

reckon:[英 [ˈrekən] 美 [ˈrɛkən] ]


过去式:reckoned;   过去分词:reckoned;   现在分词:reckoning;

reckon 基本解释


及物动词认为; 计算; 测算,估计; 评定,断定

不及物动词估计; 计算; 猜想; 料想

reckon 相关例句


1. I reckon him as a friend.


2. We have to reckon with many problems.


3. reckon

3. I reckon there are at least fifty people in the room .


4. reckon是什么意思

4. She reckoned the money we owed her.



1. reckon是什么意思

1. He reckoned wrong.


reckon 网络解释


1. 计算(成本等):reinforce 加强 | reckon 计算(成本等) | renew 重建,换新

2. 计算:reckon 计数看做 | reckon 计算 | reckoner 计算者计数器

3. reckon在线翻译

3. 数:reckon up 合计 | reckon 数 | reckoner 计算表

reckon 双语例句

1. Suckah: Y'all reckon ya know where to go?


2. The imperialists reckon that eventually we will beg alms from them in order to live.


3. However, some analysts reckon the company will be broken up and sold piecemeal to its rivals.


4. Dr Krach and Dr Kircher reckon this shows that the less human-like a robot is in its appearance, the less it will be treated as if it were human.


5. The rats could a got the candles, and I reckon they did; I wonder they don't walk off with the whole place, the way you're always going to stop their holes and don't do it; and if they warn't fools they'd sleep in your hair, Silas -- YOU'D never find it out; but you can't lay the SPOON on the rats, and that I know.


6. The rats could a got the candles, and I reckon they did; I wonder they don't walk off with the whole place, the way you're always going to stop their holes and don't do it; and if they warn't fools they'd sleep in your hair, Silas -- YOU'D never find it out; but you can't lay the SPOON on the rats, and that I know."



7. Some studies reckon that demography explains as much as a third of Asia`s economic growth.


8. Measured by the prisoner's experience, however, it might be reckon ed a journey of some length;


9. reckon的反义词

9. Nevertheless, intellectual property and antitrust are senior lawyer Liu Chunquan expresses to Shanghai business newspaper, we also cannot reckon industry of this network game serves standard function exorbitantly.



10. The answer is no. we should encourage him as this:you own a good wish, however, the backbreaking practice is needed. you won`t stop exercise untill you achieve the success. if you keep doing like this, finally you will take part in the international competition. i reckon writing as the way that who is willing to pay perspiration will end in success. anyone shouldn`t have the idea of being known around the world after the initiation of writing. the words which I mentioned before as to wirte whatever you want and as much as you can is for practice actually. if we ignore the processing of practice, only thininking to print it on paper immediately, writing can`t be done properly. indeed a half part of writing won`t be published as you can`t write any more. don`t be irritated whether your writing can be pubished or not, which will make us dispressed, unwilling to learn. however, from the point of learning, it is pretty good for a half writing, before that, you can`t write a half one, can you?


11. But Rhys Ifans seems likely to have the last laugh because psychologists reckon that happier marriages result from attractive women who wed uglier men.


12. I reckon you'll be able to leave hospital soon.


13. I reckon you will be able to leave the hospital soon.


14. There are both local and overseas communities who reckon this is a good timing for these people to return home for good. If the Chinese government could take the initiative in par, we believe she could offer a good opportune for reconciliation with this group of people all so hurt by this piece of history.


15. Is that what you reckon my price is?


16. I reckon we'll climb down there and have a hunt for that box.


17. I reckon I'll vacuum the carpet.


18. I reckon I'll vacuum the carpet s.


19. reckon

19. One man, when he has done anither a kindness, is ready to reckon a return.


20. It is also a unit of account, which mea that we use money to reckon prices and reckon values for compariso between goods and services or over time.


reckon 词典解释

1. 料想;估计;认为

If you reckon that something is true, you think that it is true.

e.g. Toni reckoned that it must be about three o'clock...


e.g. He reckoned he was still fond of her.


2. 认为…;把…当作

If you say that something is reckoned to be true, you mean that people think that it is true.

e.g. The sale has been held up because the price is reckoned to be too high.


3. 预计;料想;期望

If you say that someone reckons to do something, you mean that they expect to do it.


e.g. The merged banks reckon to raise 4 billion dollars of new equity next year...


e.g. Police officers on the case are reckoning to charge someone very shortly.


4. 估算;估计

If something is reckoned to be a particular figure, it is calculated to be roughly that amount.

e.g. The star's surface temperature is reckoned to be minus 75 degrees Celsius...


e.g. There was a proportion of research, which I reckoned at not more than 30 percent, that was basic research.


相关词组:reckon onreckon withreckon without

reckon 单语例句

1. " I reckon it will come out within three years, " he said.

2. Some experts see the investment as rash, while others reckon itis courageous and will achieve huge profits when the crisis is over.

3. Her many suitors however have to reckon with her enduring love for him until she settles on a kindly neighbour whose wife has left him.

4. Whether for business or pleasure, manufacturers reckon private aviation in China is set to take off in a big way.

5. Many analysts reckon the jobless total will hit three million, bad timing for Prime Minister Gordon Brown's Labour government which faces an election next year.

6. " I reckon you can say I've brought the bagel back home, " Nava said with a grin.

7. Neither does the local textile industry reckon the dispute will put too much pressure on companies'bottom lines.

8. My son is 30 this year and I reckon he will be getting married within the next few years.

9. Some analysts reckon the Chinese Government has ordered State oil companies to hold inventory.

10. Senior executives from the company reckon cement demand in China has already reached its peak.

reckon是什么意思reckon 英英释义


1. expect, believe, or suppose

e.g. I imagine she earned a lot of money with her new novel

I thought to find her in a bad state

he didn't think to find her in the kitchen

I guess she is angry at me for standing her up

Synonym: thinkopinesupposeimagineguess

2. make a mathematical calculation or computation

Synonym: calculateciphercyphercomputework outfigure

3. deem to be

e.g. She views this quite differently from me

I consider her to be shallow

I don't see the situation quite as negatively as you do

Synonym: seeconsiderviewregard

4. judge to be probable

Synonym: calculateestimatecount onfigureforecast

5. take account of

e.g. You have to reckon with our opponents

Count on the monsoon

Synonym: count

6. have faith or confidence in

e.g. you can count on me to help you any time

Look to your friends for support

You can bet on that!

Depend on your family in times of crisis

Synonym: countbetdependlookcalculate