

futile:[英 [ˈfju:taɪl] 美 [ˈfju:tl] ]


futile 基本解释

形容词无效的,无用的; 没有出息的; 琐碎的,无关紧要的; 一场空


futile 同义词




futile 反义词



futile 相关例句


1. He lived a futile life.


2. That futile young man does nothing but waste money.


3. He is a futile sort of person.


4. futile的翻译

4. His efforts to save the business were futile.



5. All his attempts to unlock the car were futile, because he was using the wrong key.


futile 网络解释

1. 无用的:但列维那斯仍指出,启蒙运动的道德伦理完全将有血有肉(flesh-and-blood)的人化为伦理规则及个案,令现代伦理变得人造的(artificial),无用的(futile)及疏离(alienating),最终对道德实践于事无补.

2. 徒劳:一、对股东提起代表诉讼规定了一个普遍性的前置程序(情况紧急的除外),而不像美国一些州的立法(美国的公司法属于各州各自制定的法而不是全国统一的联邦法)规定股东可以在请求公司起诉系徒劳(futile)的情形下豁免此项义务.

3. 无益:耗费在那些无益(futile)上诉上的时间与努力应当尽可能减少,以维护那些权利已为一审程序所确认的当事人的合法利益. 根据德国现行法律,初级法院审理案件只由一名法官独任审理,而州法院审理案件则是由三名法官组成法庭进行审理.

4. futile在线翻译

4. 徒劳的,无用的:110. vernal 春天的,和煦的 | 111. futile 徒劳的,无用的 | 112. crooked 弯曲的

futile 双语例句


1. From what has been discussed above, I insistently believe that time will witness that traditional technology will die out with the increasing number of modern technology and it is futile/labour in vain that persist traditional technology.


2. To think speculatively is futile and a waste of time.


3. This will continue to prove futile because of natural selection.


4. If your first attempt at achieving your goals seems futile, should you move on and do something else?


5. futile是什么意思

5. The eeriest moment of the season but, like most things Schalke, ultimately futile.


6. Taylor sought to get past the futile incentive bonuses that management thought would remedy the problems.


7. Reason may be a small force, but it is constant, and works always in one direction, while the forces of unreason destroy one another in futile strife.


8. There are too many things I want to tell you that, but I think it is futile.


9. No. I think it`s futile.


10. If you have, I`m sure you made a futile research.


11. futile的近义词

11. He is a futile sort of person.


12. It's a foolish and futile thing to do.


13. However, this is bound to be a futile wait.


14. It is said that this tree-felling people named Wu Gang is the Han River, has followed fairy seminarians to the community days, but he made a mistake, he exiled to hear fairy Moon Palace, the day to do this job so futile to show punishment.


15. It is futile to dwell on the past.


16. Bao-Liang, see the end of disclaimer, futile three-Jun-xian, the poem.


17. All this is just a futile, so I used the time to the treatment of their wounds, and use humor to cover up their pain, laughter To camouflage the sound has long been swallowed tears of their own, so we learn to forget the other side, the total can be suddenly awakened in the night, in the shadow of her own before, I know what to do, still crying, she is still deceiving himself, so I no longer believe there is love, not always believe, no longer believe promises, or even no longer believe in themselves and everyone in their own way to live, trying to loud laughter, happy to play, but a person Quiet when it found that more than one heart cry!



18. So much of what we do today is frivolous and futile and soon forgotten.



19. A futile effort, too: Beijing won the games, and some would say the argument.


20. futile

20. It knows any challenge will be futile as both are closely linked to the police and transport departments, providing cushy postretirement jobs for bureaucrats.


futile 词典解释

1. 无益的;无用的;徒劳的

If you say that something is futile, you mean there is no point in doing it, usually because it has no chance of succeeding.

e.g. He brought his arm up in a futile attempt to ward off the blow...


e.g. It would be futile to sustain his life when there is no chance of any improvement.


futile 单语例句futile

1. One cannot but feel amazed at the futile attempts by a local environmental protection chief to fight pollution.

2. Even with my book of simple phrases in my hand, communicating verbally is an embarrassing and futile exercise on my part.

3. " I think the war effort at this point is futile, " the retired school guidance counselor and former Army intelligence officer said.

4. Young people are sensitive to the inequalities of our society, to the daily reports of the Iraq War and its futile violence.

5. It also saves me fighting the crowds and waiting in futile desperation at taxi queues that seem frozen in time.

6. Yushchenko announced the dissolution of parliament in early October and called a snap election after talks on rebuilding a new coalition proved futile.

7. Yushchenko announced the dissolution of parliament and called a snap election for December since talks on rebuilding a new coalition proved futile.

8. After several rounds of futile mediation, the couple was granted a divorce.

9. A lower economic growth rate will render China's newly built infrastructure futile and see overcapacity in the country's manufacturing sectors for a few years.

10. Interest rate hikes are futile and may even attract more hot money, says the report.

futilefutile 英英释义


1. unproductive of success

e.g. a fruitless search

futile years after her artistic peak

a sleeveless errand

a vain attempt

Synonym: bootlessfruitlesssleevelessvain

2. producing no result or effect

e.g. a futile effort

the therapy was ineffectual

an otiose undertaking

an unavailing attempt

Synonym: ineffectualotioseunavailing