

preempt:[英 [prɪ'empt] 美 [priˈɛmpt] ]


过去式:preempted;   过去分词:preempted;   现在分词:preempting;

preempt 基本解释

及物动词先占; 先发制人; 先取; 取代

preempt 网络解释

1. 先占:假如在数据写入之前,使用shared_sensor的另一个线程或ISR先占(preempt)了这个线程,他将得到原来的传感器读数. 使用临时副本能够防止先占线程读取只经过部分处理的数据. 但是,假如这些代码在一个数据总线不足32位的处理器上运行,

2. 抢占:套[ 书上称:抢占(preempt) 优先级]和 256级中断嵌套[ 书上称:抢占(preempt) 优先级]联到EXTI的电源电压检测(PVD)中断IRQ CHANAEL 3 通道 = 255 中断优先级 RTC 实时时钟(RTC)全局中断联到EXTI的电源电压检测(PVD)中断IRQ CHANAEL 3 通道 = 0x20 中断优先级 RTC 实时时钟(RTC)全局中断是这样的,

3. 取得优先权:groveler 卑躬屈膝者 | preempt 取得优先权 | preen 打扮

4. 优先于:[18] Blue Sky Laws:蓝天法 | [19] preempt:优先于 | [20] Federal Antitrust Laws:联邦反托拉斯法

preempt 双语例句

1. preempt的意思

1. I want to open an account in your bank, can I need to preempt number plate?


2. I want to open an accout in your bank, do i need to preempt number plate?


3. preempt

3. The international community should pay close attention to this and adopt necessary measures to preempt such dangerous development.


4. This allows it to preempt other threads.


5. The international community should pay close attention to this and adopt necessary measures to preempt such dangerous developments.


6. Maskable interrupt sources that cannot preempt the kernel code and are thus able to invoke operating system APIs from within their handlers.


7. For example, federal statutes might explicitly preempt, or explicitly waive any preemption of, state law.


8. Valid federal regulations have the force of law and preempt state laws and rules.


9. The studies – PREEMPT 1 and 2 – were conducted at 22 centers in North America and Europe, and included 1, 384 patients (average age 41 years).

这两项研究(PREEMPT 1和PREEMPT 2)共纳入来自北美和欧洲的22个研究中心的1,384例患者(平均年龄41岁)。


10. Including the compiler version, SMP status, and preempt status; it is



11. If the cards reveal things that we don't want to see, then we are prepared to prevent and preempt them, which we have the power to do.


12. preempt的近义词

12. Tunnels that are harder to route are expected to have a higher priority and to be able to preempt tunnels that are easier to route.


13. I advised him against it, because to preempt his own deadline might confuse our adversaries.


14. I advised him against it, because to preempt his own deadline might confuse our adversaries


15. preempt是什么意思

15. It may be tempting to try to preempt any spending surge that might follow from a sharp drop in the demand for liquidity, were that to occur.


16. Federal administrative bodies issue rules and regulations of a quasi-legislative character; valid federal regulations have the force of law and preempt state laws ad rules.


17. Federal administrative bodies issue rules and regulations of a quasi-legislative character; valid federal regulations have the force of law and preempt state law s ad rules.


18. preempt的意思

18. The Supremacy clause of the U. S. Constitution has long been understood to preempt state laws that conflict with or are inconsistent with a federal requirement.


19. They can always preempt normal Kernel APCs.


20. preempt在线翻译

20. In PSPF algorithm, the short packet can preempt the transmission time of the long packet and be served first.


preempt 单语例句

1. Though developed countries spend relatively more money to preempt such attacks, none can claim that its campuses are hundred percent safe.

2. The Obama administration has been trying to preempt Romney's Israel visit.

3. European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso called on member states to proceed with ratification and not preempt their summit meeting with " unilateral decisions " before then.

4. China said applying the death penalty in such cases help to preempt and prevent the drug trafficking problem.

5. Legalizing carpooling will preempt illegal operations, and ensure the safety of and better service to passengers.

preempt 英英释义


1. a high bid that is intended to prevent the opposing players from bidding

Synonym: preemptive bidpre-empt


1. make a preemptive bid in the game of bridge

2. acquire for oneself before others can do so

3. gain possession of by prior right or opportunity, especially so as to obtain the right to buy (land)

4. take the place of or have precedence over

e.g. live broadcast of the presidential debate preempts the regular news hour

discussion of the emergency situation will preempt the lecture by the professor

Synonym: displace