

doer:[英 [ˈdu:ə(r)] 美 [ˈduɚ] ]



doer 基本解释



doer 网络解释


1. 來:DOEB 出去 | doer 来 | DOS 你

2. 行为人:dodger 桥楼围屏 | doer 行为人 | dog back 顶住门

doer 双语例句

1. God alone is the Doer, and none else'- that is knowledge.


2. doer在线翻译

2. What they face is the wasteland with fascicular bramble, but in front those who have the sun is how-to, what they stay is green shade enclothed land, they are follow sunshine is day-to-day and made doer.


3. doer的反义词

3. Again, to medieval notions of justice the evil-doer was beyond the law and there was no need to keep faith with him.


4. In time, the heads of all the other families of the village, as well as Good-doer, Beauty and Happy, also died. They were reborn as gods under King Sakka.


5. doer的反义词

5. And that will be my salvation, for an evil-doer would not come before him

13:16 这要成为我的拯救、因为不虔诚的人不得到他面前。


6. This is the punishment of the evil-doer from God, and the heritage given to the cruel by the Ruler


7. doer什么意思

7. So the poor man has hope, and the mouth of the evil-doer is stopped.


8. He protests that he is no evil-doer, that God punishes him against his deserts.


9. He is implacable- and yet if a man's brother or son has been slain he will accept a fine by way of amends from him that killed him, and the wrong-doer having paid in full remains in peace among his own people; but as for you, Achilles, the gods have put a wicked unforgiving spirit in your heart, and this, all about one single girl, whereas we now offer you the seven best we have, and much else into the bargain.


10. doer是什么意思

10. The three terrible, winged goddesses with serpentine hair, Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone, who pursue and punish doer s of unavenged crimes.


11. Performed poorly in action - he is a philosopher rather than the doer, he performed poorly sensitive to the thinking and actions, he was not practicable, hand over hand method until only wrestling with him from thinking to action requires a more complicated than the common people process.


12. doer的反义词

12. I think this attitude angers people and is unforgivable and the doer should be put into prison.


13. I may appear to be extraordinary, a doer of famous things. I may appear playfully as that.


14. The place which Qi moves through becomes very strong and hard, which Qigong master uses to perform. However, yoga doer absolutely avoids will`s directing Qi.


15. In a tort action on damages caused by joint danger, cognizance of the joint danger doers as joint tortfeasors is the difficulty. On the presumption principle for causality, the unique resolution is the danger doer shall be responsible for providing the evidence to prove that there is no causal relationship between the his act and the harmful consequences. If the doer can not prove it, causality is presumed so as that the doers shall be determined to be the joint infringers and take liability for joint torts.


16. doer是什么意思

16. I think i shall need more coolwater, doer it for another charge?


17. So they accepted the roof beam from Good-doer, and she helped to finish the building of the inn.


18. I am not the doer; I am a mere instrument in His hand.


19. In order to practice cross-legged sitting and nodding the head to the ground, a yoga doer may need to practice for six years. The action is so simple, tedious that the impatient doer will give it up early.


20. With respect to what is said of the necessity of protecting society from the bad example set to others by the vicious or the self-indulgent; it is true that bad example may have a pernicious effect, especially the example of doing wrong to others with impunity to the wrong-doer.


doer 词典解释

1. 实干家;身体力行者

If you refer to someone as a doer, you mean that they do jobs promptly and efficiently, without spending a lot of time thinking about them.

e.g. Robertson was a doer, not a thinker.


doer 单语例句doer的反义词

1. There is a Chinese saying " it is better for a doer to undo what he has done ".

2. Yu said her interviewees have taught her the secret to fulfilling one's dream lies in " being a doer ".

3. Does the doer work on individual and specific goods or wholesale and unspecific goods?

doer 英英释义


1. a person who acts and gets things done

e.g. he's a principal actor in this affair

when you want something done get a doer

he's a miracle worker

Synonym: actorworker