




1.马罗 达卡拉汇聚( Khura's Focusing) 摩尔洛( Malo) 神力降临( Primal Avatar) ...

3.圣马洛是得名于一个叫马洛 lonely planet 泰国第二版 malo 减压球 marvel 毒液 ...

6.威海 QUN( 大连) malo( 威海) Tingle( 东莞) ...


1.Like Malo should not take over the investigation and present spate of homicide at the presence of his prize.好像马洛不该接手这宗调查似的,接二连三的凶杀案专候他的大驾光临。

2."He says his name is Malo, " said the fat one.“他说,他的名字是马洛说:”发一。

3.In "Staying Here, " Malo sings about a family in which one parent is considering leaving the other.在“住在这里,”马洛唱约一个家庭,其中一个正在考虑离开父母等。

4.If a malo-lactic fermentation is desired, the wine remains on the lees without sulfating until the map-lactic fermentation has taken place.如果需要进行苹果酸-乳酸发酵,沉淀物上的酒体不需要硫化处理,直到完成苹果酸-乳酸发酵。

5.Aroma: Bright rock melon and stone fruit aromas with some creamy malo and spicy oak notes.香味:丰富的果香混合奶油和辛辣的橡木桶味。

6.Malo employed Shiteenwude General Search Time and again, he and his small daughter Carmen blackmail people.马洛受雇于斯特恩乌德将军,查找屡次三番对他及他的小女儿卡门进行勒索的人。

7.Malo kingi is a nod to Robert King, an American tourist who was killed by the jellyfish's sting in Austrapa in 2002.Malokingi是为了向罗伯特·金(RobertKing)致敬,2002年,这位美国游客在澳大利亚被这种水母蜇到,不幸身亡。

8."Io sento malo, " I told her. I felt bad.我垂头丧气地告诉她:“我生病了!”

9."They're really painful. I usually can't do anything. All I want to do is sleep, " says Malo.说道:“偏头痛真的很痛苦,发作时我基本上不能做任何事情,只想睡觉。”

10.Research on Separating Methods for Checking Malo-lactic Fermentation in Wine葡萄酒苹果酸-乳酸发酵层析分析方法的研究