




1.伦敦大学政治经济学院 萨里大学 Surrey 伦敦大学政治经济学院 The London School of Economics 伦敦大学学院 University College of London ...

2.英国伦敦经济学院 ... 4 伦敦大学伦敦经济政治学院 The London School of Economics & poitics Science 1 牛津大学 University of Oxford ...

4.英国经济学院学术方面,慕尼黑再保公司和英国经济学院(the London School of Economics)

5.敦悂经赩玽恺国鞌敦悂经赩玽The London School of Economics )教授牅丽.悛跰软曾经提


1.It is a great honor for me to have been invited by the London School of Economics to depver this Hayek Memorial Lecture.我很荣幸,能应伦敦经济学院(LSE)之邀,来此发表哈耶克纪念演讲。

2.national, graduated from The London School of Economics, who speaks with a strong British accent, was one of the speakers.任,毕业于伦敦经济学院,说话带著浓浓的英国腔。

3.A report by a senior former judge, Lord Woolf, said the London School of Economics had made mistakes that had damaged its reputation.这份报告由一名前高级法官LordWoolf所作,他说,伦敦政治经济学院(LSE)的所作所为已损害了其声誉。

4.Meanwhile, she's paying off her debt and saving for her dream graduate school: a Ph. D. in finance from the London School of Economics.同时,她在用这笔钱还债,并为其将来到梦想的研究院——伦敦经济学院的金融博士专业深造存钱。

5.Mr. Lau's son, Lau Ming-wai, studied at the London School of Economics and then worked for Goldman Sachs in London .刘先生的儿子刘鸣炜曾就读于伦敦政治经济学院,随后曾在伦敦为高盛集团工作。

6.The woman with five O-levels to her name would have been smarter than the London School of Economics: no dollars from Saif al-Islam Gaddafi.这个名字上带五颗星的女人是要比伦敦经济学院毕业的赛义夫·卡扎菲聪明的多,后者的思想就是:我没有钱,谁也别想从我手里拿到一分钱。

7.In Berpn "aspiration can be a negative word, " says Phippp Rode of the London School of Economics.在柏林,“理想抱负可能是一个消极的词”,伦敦经济学院的菲利浦罗德说。

8.It has an Executive MBA program that it offers with Columbia University Business School and the London School of Economics.港大与哥伦比亚大学商学院和伦敦经济学院联合开设EMBA课程。

9.Soros is a Hungarian-born New Yorker who escaped Nazi Germany in his youth and studied at the London School of Economics.索罗斯是在匈牙利出生的纽约人,青年时期为逃脱德国纳粹去了伦敦经济学院学习。

10.He is a graduate of the London School of Economics with a post-graduate diploma from the same institution.他毕业于英国伦敦经济学院,并获该学院颁发研究文凭。