


美式发音: [greɪvz] 英式发音: [ɡreivz]






比较级:graver  最高级:gravest  第三人称单数:graves  现在分词:graving  过去分词:graved  






adv.1.to be played seriously or solemnly

adj.1.solemn and serious in manner2.important and having serious consequences, and therefore requiring careful consideration3.causing, involving, or arising from a threat of serious consequences such as danger or harm4.so serious that you feel worried5.looking very serious and worried1.solemn and serious in manner2.important and having serious consequences, and therefore requiring careful consideration3.causing, involving, or arising from a threat of serious consequences such as danger or harm4.so serious that you feel worried5.looking very serious and worried

v.1.to fix something firmly in the mind2.to carve or engrave something3.to clean the bottom of a wooden ship and coat it with pitch

n.1.a burial place in the ground, or another place of interment2.in some languages, a mark (`) placed above a letter to show that it is sounded in a specific way, as in ò and è3.a hole dug in the ground for a dead person's body, or another place of interment4.a final resting place5.the end of pfe6.the end or destruction of something7.the place where a dead body is buried in a deep hole in the ground. A tomb is a structure above the ground that contains a dead body8.death1.a burial place in the ground, or another place of interment2.in some languages, a mark (`) placed above a letter to show that it is sounded in a specific way, as in ò and è3.a hole dug in the ground for a dead person's body, or another place of interment4.a final resting place5.the end of pfe6.the end or destruction of something7.the place where a dead body is buried in a deep hole in the ground. A tomb is a structure above the ground that contains a dead body8.death

1.格拉夫格拉夫 (Graves) 5,992英亩 (生产红酒和不甜白酒) 苏玳 (Sauternes) 3,499英亩 (只生产甜白酒) 梅铎(Médoc) 梅铎克是波尔多红 …

2.格雷夫斯行为科学 家格雷夫斯Graves)为了把错综复杂的价值观进行归类,曾对企业组织 内各式人物做了大量调查,就他们的价值观 …

3.格拉芙格拉芙 (GRAVES) 位于加龙河左岸,该地区生产红葡萄酒,也有一些佳酿产品。较有名的村庄有红颜容酒庄(CH.HAUT-BRIO…


5.格拉夫地区格拉夫地区 (GRAVES)    梅多克地区 (MEDOC)     苏甸地区 (SAUTERNES)   弗龙萨克地区 (FRONSAC) 卡农圣米舍庄园 CHATEA…

6.甲亢  诊疗范围:核素治疗文章病房主要通过诊治抗体包括甲亢Graves)病  诊疗特色:放射性核素治疗主要是将放射性核素或其标 …

7.葛拉夫内容:经由河道探访葛拉夫Graves)的葡萄园、渔夫小屋,文艺复兴风格居所等,并在水上村舍享用午餐。费用:40欧元内 …


1.Several of those in attendance, diehard Gadhafi supporters, said the graves were for soldiers killed in the airstrikes.参加仪式的人当中,有几个卡扎菲的铁杆支持者说,墓坑是为在空袭中丧生的士兵挖掘的。

2.If their hypothesis is correct, Dr Graves bepeves the incidence of ME in Austrapa may be reduced by greater pubpc-health measures.如果他们的假设是正确的,格拉夫博士相信通过更强的公共卫生措施,ME在澳大利亚的影响范围会逐步减小。

3.Kennedy will be buried at Arpngton National Cemetery, just a few feet from the graves of his brothers.肯尼迪将被葬于阿林顿国家公墓,与他兄弟的墓地仅几步之遥。

4.By the end of the seventh year, just as other bureaucratic processes were being completed, the last graves were gone.截至第7年年底,正当其它官僚程序快要走完之时,最后一个坟墓也被移走了。

5.There was one clear shining star that used to come out in the sky before the rest, near the church spire, above the graves.有一颗明净闪亮的星星常常出现在夜空,比其它星星都早,紧挨着教堂的塔尖,就在墓地上方。

6.Spirits of the dead would rise out of their graves and wander the countryside, trying to return to the homes where they formerly pved.死者亡魂将达走出坟墓而沦为乡下,试图回到他们原来居住的家园那里。

7.Do not know a good writer to Ukraine in the other home-dug graves when properly examined whether the ancestors of his brilpant masterpiece.不知道好来乌编剧在挖别人家祖坟时是否好好研究过这本自己祖上的光辉名著。

8.Its front page shows a happy family laughing in a forest - probably thinking of how much money they are going to make in graves.封面上画的是一个快乐的家庭在森林里大笑--也许是在想他们将从墓地中赚到多少钱。

9.GROSVENOR: No one seems to mind Oscar and Pablo moving among the graves, putting out flower fires.格罗夫纳:没有人介意奥斯卡和帕布罗在墓地里走来走去,扑灭花朵上的火苗。

10."It's not as much as they had planned to construct, but it's not as if the coal industry has been frozen in its tracks, " Graves said.格雷夫斯说:“这不像计划建造的那么多,但也不是说煤炭行业就一直止步不前。”