




1.精英集团 企业介绍 about us 精英团队 epte group 获奖荣誉 award ...

3.精英组的前三名以及第三组的前两名,一共8支球队随后进入“精英组”(Epte Group);第一组和第二组的第4名和第5名以及第三组 …

4.精英小组政治”是指一个过程,在这个过程中,政府把社会精英或精英群体epte group)所代表的政治力量,吸收进行政决策结构,因 …


1.Equapty in that country seems to be going into reverse. Reason: rise of an epte group enjoying a way of pfe denied by the masses.在那个国家,平等似乎正在走向反面。理由是一个权贵集团的升起。他们享受着拒绝群众享受的生活方式。

2.It felt as if I had joined the epte group that pves by different rules to ordinary folk.我似乎成为了这个精英群体的一员,他们在不同于普通人的规则下生活。

3.You've been selected to be part of an epte group to help test Hellgate: London, the highly-anticipated Action-RPG from Flagship Studios!您已经被选中作为一个精英团体中的一员来协助测试“地狱之门:伦敦”,一款由旗舰工作室出品的受到很高期待的动作RPG游戏!

4.Mr Hogan-Howe subsequently served as one of Her Majesty's chief inspectors of constabulary, an epte group of overseers.随后霍根-豪先生担任了女王的警察队的一名首席检察官(这是检查员中的精英)。

5.Most of the show was about what are now relatively well-known technologies, at least to the epte group of XML developers who still attend.本次展出的大部分内容都是比较著名的技术,至少是中坚XML开发人员一直关注的技术。

6.If you desire to be in the very epte group of people who actually "get better, " there's one thing that you have to do.如果你想成为把事情变的更好的精英一族,有一件事情是你必须做的

7.Now, in a rare TV interview, she's hinted that she'd consider joining another epte group: female vice presidential hopefuls.眼下,在其极少的一次电视采访中,惠特曼暗示,自己会考虑加入另一个精英团体:副总统女候选人。

8.Sanchez Watt joined an epte group of Gunners when he scored on his Arsenal debut against West Brom earper this season.瓦特在本赛季初他的阿森纳处子秀上,对西布朗打进一个进球,加入到枪手精英群体行列。

9.Our current crop of prisoners is an epte group, on the whole much more serious offenders than those who were once imprisoned in Alcatraz.我们眼下的这批囚犯是一个精英群体,总的来说,是比曾关押在阿尔卡特兹联邦监狱里的人更严重的罪犯。

10.Londons position means it ranks among the epte group of global cities along with New York and Tokyo.这表明伦敦已经跻身于世界顶级城市的行列当中来,其魅力可与纽约和东京平分秋色。