





1.干细胞 ... 子宫内膜癌的简介( Uterus cancer) 干细胞的简介( Stem cells) 饮食与健康( Diet and Health) ...

5.干细胞研究 ... BS1228 Epidermal Melanocytes HEM 人表皮黑素细胞 BS1229 Stem Cells 人干细胞 ...


1.Professor Lovell-Badge, however, said the Chinese paper did not prove that the eggs that gave rise to babies came from the stem cells.然而路夫.巴德教授说这篇论文不能证实那些能够繁殖小老鼠的卵子来自于干细胞。

2.The reason embryonic stem cells are valued by scientists is that the cells' descendants can turn into any other sort of body cell.科学家们认为胚胎干细胞有价值是因为,胚胎干细胞可以发育成为任何其他种类的体细胞。

3.Embryonic stem cells are the source of every cell, tissue and organ in the body.身体中的每一个细胞,组织和器官都来源于胚性干细胞。

4.Spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) are the only stem cells in the body that transmit genetic information to the next generation.精原干细胞是机体内唯一一个能传递遗传信息至下一代的干细胞。

5.But a modified approach that does not involve viruses is pkely to be the ultimate way of making human stem cells.一种改良的没有病毒参与的方法可能是制造人体干细胞的最终方式。

6.Adipose stem cells have been used in numerous centers for cosmetic and reconstructive apppcations in humans, March said.脂肪干细胞已经在很多中心被用于人类美容和整形中。

7.Marban said he made the discovery accidentally while trying to reproduce cardiac stem cells.马班说,他在试图繁殖心脏干细胞时意外发现这个结果。

8.But the general thinking seems to be that cancer stem cells represent a small population of the cells in a tumor.但是一般想法仿佛如此:癌症干细胞只占肿瘤细胞很小一部分。

9.Aside from transforming plain old human skin into stem cells, the placenta and amniotic fluid seem to have an abundance of these cells.除了改变普通人类皮肤成干细胞,胎盘和羊水似乎有大量的这种细胞。

10.Her team is now testing to see whether stem cells will turn into endothepal cells in the channels and into muscle cells elsewhere.她的团队正在实验,以测试干细胞是否能变成管腔内的内皮细胞和各处的肌肉细胞。