




1.鸠山由纪夫鸠山由纪夫Yukio Hatoyama)(1947年2月11日-),日本政治家,北海道人,政治世家出身。曾任日本民主党党首,于2002年1…

2.日本首相鸠山由纪夫日本首相鸠山由纪夫YUKIO HATOYAMA)把自己比作一位试图在临时拼凑的管弦乐队(暗指新组建的内阁)中达到“和谐”的 …

3.日本前首相鸠山由纪夫日本前首相鸠山由纪夫Yukio Hatoyama)1月17号在南京,参观了侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆。在参­观的一个多小 …

4.日本新首相鸠山由纪夫奥巴马的第一站是日本. 日本新首相鸠山由纪夫Yukio Hatoyama)发誓要带领一个独立于华盛顿的外交策略。尽管日本被视为 …

5.首相的鸠山由纪夫三年前,时任首相的鸠山由纪夫(Yukio Hatoyama)曾承诺将美军的普天间空军基地移出冲绳岛,但后来食言,这使冲绳岛民变 …


1.Newly elected Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama and his wife are in Copenhagen to make the final push for Tokyo.新任首相鸠山由纪夫及其夫人已经在哥本哈根为东京申奥做最后的努力。

2.It is led by Yukio Hatoyama, a mild-mannered career poptician pkely to be the next prime minister.民主党领袖,一个谈吐温和的职业政客,很有可能成为下一位首相。

3.Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama will have his own coffee house at the PM's residence on Valentine's Day, Asahi Shimbun reported.据《朝日新闻》报道,情人节当天,日本首相鸠山由纪夫的咖啡馆将在首相府内开张。

4.One of them was Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama, who sought to reduce the number of U. S. bases on the island of Okinawa.日本首相鸠山由纪夫便是其中之一,这是因为他试图削减在冲绳岛的美军基地。

5.In Tokyo, key figures will join with the President and PM Yukio Hatoyama including President Medvedev, Chancellor Merkel, and others.在东京,主要数字将同总统和下午鸠山由纪夫,包括总统梅德韦杰夫,德国总理默克尔等。

6.Less than six months later, an electoral defeat in the same city has shown how quickly Yukio Hatoyama's government has dimmed those hopes.此后不到六个月,同样是在长崎,一次选举失败表明了鸠山由纪夫政府很快使长崎市民失望。

7.And Mr Kamei may have been exploiting the temporary absence of Yukio Hatoyama, the prime minister, detained in Pittsburgh and Copenhagen.龟井可能利用了首相鸠山由纪夫(YukioHatoyama)在匹兹堡和哥本哈根脱不开身的时机。

8.As we were going in, we got the news that Yukio Hatoyama was to resign as prime minister of Japan.在我们步入会场的时候,我们听到鸠山由纪夫(YukioHatoyama)辞去日本首相的新闻。

9.A year ago, when the DPJ's Yukio Hatoyama was prime minister, Mr Yosano wrote a book called "The DPJ Destroys Japan's Economy" .一年前,民主党的鸠山由纪夫任首相期间,与谢野馨曾经写过一本名叫《民主党破坏日本经济》的书。

10.Yukio Hatoyama, 62, the rich grandson of a former prime minister, was once nicknamed "the apen" for his prominent eyes.岁的鸠山由纪夫,富有的前总理之孙,曾因他突出的眼睛而一度被冠以“外星人”的绰号