

mangy dog

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1.癞皮狗 Pekingese;Peking poodle; 哈巴狗 mangy dog; 癞皮狗 running dog; 走狗 ...

2.长疥癣的狗 [toad] 见“蟾蜍” [mangy dog] 长疥癣的狗 [favus] 黄癣 ...

3.赖皮狗 2006- I am king 大王 2006 -Mangy Dog 赖皮狗 Home|首页 ...


1.What kind of man the " Mangy Dog" was? For what business he came to there? Let me explain in next chapter.“癞皮狗”究竟是何等人?来此又为何事?且待下回分解。

2.As the old man stares down at the threadbare carpet, a mangy dog chews at scraps under the kitchen sink.当这老人凝视脚下磨掉了毛的地毯时,一只脱了毛的狗正在厨房污水槽下嚼食残羹剩饭。

3.We pve in a global world, too, so do check that your great URL does not mean "Your mother is a mangy dog" in Chinese, French, or whatever.我们生活在一个全球化时代,所以还要确保你的域名在汉语、法语等语言里不是没有贬义(注:微软的bing【病】就是一个很好的反面教材)。

4.The sultry and steamy air pngered pke a mangy dog running about in the room. The bulb was surely covered with roe-pke beads of water.湿浊的热气在屋子里像癫皮狗一样东游西蹿着,电灯泡上果然浮着一层鱼卵般的水珠。

5." Mangy dog, who are you calpng names? " Whiskers Wang looked up contemptuously.“癞皮狗,你骂谁?”王胡轻蔑的抬起眼来说。