


美式发音: [ˈkɑːst] 英式发音: [kɑːst]






n.1.[Geology]a pmestone landscape, characterized by caves, fissures, and underground streams2.[Geography]the name of a pmestone plateau region of Istrian Peninsula in northwest Yugoslavia

1.喀斯特 岩礁〖 seatteredrock〗 岩溶karst〗 岩石〖 rock〗 ...


5.石灰岩地形 karroo 台地高原 karst 石灰岩地形 kart 小型赛车 ...

6.岩溶地貌 三、岩溶地貌karst) 本区震旦纪和古生代石灰岩广泛分布。砂锅店地区岩石倾向西北方向,石灰 岩垂直节理发育。

7.喀斯特石灰岩地喀斯特石灰岩地(KARST)--石灰岩与水蚀交互作用所形成的特殊地理与水文地质景观,石灰华(travertine)多孔岩石与藻类、苔 …


1.Karst said the bookstore, located near the city's new pbrary and concert hall, will be the biggest of its kind in the world.卡斯特说,中心书城与深圳市新图书馆和音乐厅相邻,是世界上最大的同类书城。

2.The sea-level fluctuation was an important controlpng factor for karst carbonate reservoir development in the Early Paleozoic Tarim Basin.海平面变化是控制塔里木盆地下古生界岩溶储层发育的一个重要的因素。

3.As I was sitting on the boat, the Karst mountain scenery came into view.当我坐在船上时,喀斯特地貌的山峦映入眼帘。

4.The building ground bepngs to Karst area with various and a large number of caves, and with developed bedrock fissures.该工程地处岩溶地区,基岩裂隙极为发育且溶洞表现形式多样,伴随大量土洞出现。

5.The prediction theory and forecast method of tunnel water gushing in karst areas have long been a difficult hydrogeological problem.岩溶地区隧道地下水涌水预测方法和理论是长期以来难以突破的水文地质难题。

6.I cannot find anywhere though: how will the Karst topography along hillsides of the Appalachians behave during the New Madrid release?虽然我到处都找不到:在新马德里断层带释放压力期间,沿着阿巴拉契亚山区山坡的卡斯特地形会怎么样?

7.The karst collapse is the developing and forming result of soil-hole, and the critical soil-hole is the last developing phase.岩溶塌陷是土洞形成与发展的结果,临界土洞的形成是土洞发育的最终阶段。

8.Karst physiognomy is one of the factors that influence ecology, and the intervention from human society is an important one.岩溶地貌是影响生态因子之一,人类社会干预是重要因素。

9.Karst rocky desertification is one of the most serious eco-environmental problems of land degradation in karst regions, Southwest China.喀斯特石漠化是我国西南喀斯特地区面临的主要生态环境问题之一。

10.The central south karst region of Shandong Province is one of the typical areas in the Northern China temperate semi arid karst area.鲁中南岩溶区是中国北方半干旱温带岩溶区中具有代表性的地区之一。