




1.黛洛维夫人亚.吴尔芙(Virginia Woolf)的小说「达洛威夫人Mrs. Dalloway)」要从女人一天的生活里窥见女人的一生,Stephen Dal…

6.达罗维夫人 Aldous Huxley 赫胥黎 24. Mrs. Dalloway 达罗维夫人 作者 : Virginia Woolf 沃尔夫 25. ...

7.达洛卫夫人尔芙(Virginia Woolf)的意识流小说《达洛卫夫人》(Mrs.Dalloway)为线索,讲了三个女人——作者伍尔芙,读者劳拉·布 …

8.达罗威夫人伍尔夫(Virginia Woolf)的语录包括《达罗威夫人》(Mrs. Dalloway)的第一句(达罗威夫人说她要亲自去买花儿)但是没 …


1.Cleever: Bridget, if you're gonna be dull, I'm going to plunge back into Mrs. Dalloway, and you know how she loves that. Dirty, dirty bitch.布里奇特,如果你要去是沉闷,我要投到达洛卫夫人的怀抱,你知道她。肮脏,肮脏的婊子。

2.Compare, "There she sat" on pg. 202 to "There she was" at the end of Mrs. Dalloway. What happens in both scenes?比较202页的「她坐在那里」跟戴洛维夫人结尾的「她在那里」。两者各自呈现什麽?

3.And here she is, herself, Clarissa, not Mrs. Dalloway anymore; there is no one now to call her that.此刻她就在这儿,完完全全是她自己,克拉丽莎,再也不是达洛维夫人了;也没有人再这样叫她了。

4.Sally returns as Lady Rossetter, Peter Walsh is still enamored with Mrs. Dalloway, the prime minister arrives, and Smith commits suicide.萨莉以洛塞特小姐的身份回来了,彼得.沃尔什仍然倾心于达洛卫夫人,首相抵达,史密斯自杀。

5.Mrs. Dalloway and To the Lighthouse are two novels written in the stream-of-consciousness technique by Virginia Woolf.《达洛卫夫人》和《到灯塔去》是弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫所著的两部意识流小说。

6.MRS. DALLOWAY (1925) formed a web of thoughts of several groups of people during the course of a single day.《达洛卫夫人》写的是在一天过程中,几个群体的人们所形成的一个思想网络。

7.Mrs. Dalloway. Trans: Sun Liang and Su Mei. Shanghai: Shanghai Translation Pubpshing House, 1997.《达洛卫夫人》,孙梁苏美译。上海:上海译文出版社,1997年。

8.A few nights later, I am sitting byGrandma's bed, reading Mrs. Dalloway to her.几天后的一个晚上,我坐在奶奶的床上,念《达洛维夫人》给她听。

9.Woolf , Virginia. Mrs. Dalloway, To the Lighthouse, Jacob's Room. Trans. Wang Jiaxiang. Nanjing: Yipn Press, 2001.弗吉尼亚·吴尔夫:《达洛维夫人到灯塔去雅各布之屋》,王家湘译。南京:译林出版社,2001年。

10.Mrs. Dalloway said she would buy the flowers herself.黛洛维夫人说,她自己来买花。