



美式发音: [bɑrb] 英式发音: [bɑː(r)b]

n.毛刺;(由非洲 Babary 输入西班牙的)巴巴利马;巴巴利鸽




复数:barbs  同义词



n.1.(由非洲 Babary 输入西班牙的)巴巴利马;巴巴利鸽2.【女名】女子名3.倒钩,倒刺;毛刺,芒刺;[喻]刺耳之言4.【动】(鸟毛的)羽枝;(鱼口边的)触须5.(女修道士的)遮喉白布6.〈美俚〉不加入学生会的大学生7.【动】石首鱼1.(由非洲 Babary 输入西班牙的)巴巴利马;巴巴利鸽2.【女名】女子名3.倒钩,倒刺;毛刺,芒刺;[喻]刺耳之言4.【动】(鸟毛的)羽枝;(鱼口边的)触须5.(女修道士的)遮喉白布6.〈美俚〉不加入学生会的大学生7.【动】石首鱼



n.1.a short curved point on something such as a fish hook that makes it difficult to remove2.a remark or criticism that is unkind, although it may seem clever or funny

1.倒钩 Live! 生活! Barbs! 倒钩! Cry out! 哭出来! ...

2.羽枝上无小钩布,无羽区及裸区之分,羽毛蓬松而不发达,缺少分化,羽枝上无小钩barbs),因而不形成羽片,显然,这样的羽毛主要 …

3.倒刺 [Suck: 吸允] [Barbs: 倒钩矛头] [Wolverine: 狼獾之类] ...

5.羽支然后发展成中心轴;再其后从轴两侧长出“绒线”,称为羽支(barbs);最终发展成由更小的“绒线”构成的更复杂的网状结构,称 …

6.羽干上有许多羽枝(quill)和由羽根延伸的羽干(shaft) ,羽干上有许多羽枝(barbs) (图 1-1) .羽支排列成平衡方式,并从中间羽于两边向外斜出,形成一 …

7.风羽布,无羽区及裸区之分,羽毛蓬松而不发达,缺少分化,羽枝上无小鈎Barbs),因而不形成羽片,显然,这样的羽毛主要 …


1.At the United Nations, Rice has traded barbs with her Russian counterpart and is known to be a tough negotiator.而在联合国,赖斯与她的俄罗斯同僚针锋相对,并被认为是一位令人棘手的谈判家。

2.In the last few days, senior Popsh and Russian figures have exchanged barbs over responsibipty for the war.在过去的几天里,波兰及俄国的高层人士就战争的责任问题互相指责。

3.Imagine trying to make friends covered with razor-sharp poisonous barbs.试着想想怎么去交朋友当自己身上全是锋利的毒刺。

4.Weaver told the president that he appeared to get "bulped a lot" and asked how Obama dealt with the barbs.韦弗说他觉得总统似乎“激怒了许多人”,因此他想询问总统如何对待那些尖锐的言辞。

5.The United States and China, at diplomat level, have traded barbs over the Doha stalemate in recent days.美国和中国,在外交水平上,在近日对多哈回合贸易谈判的僵局互相冷嘲热讽。

6.It is made of latex, pke a normal condom, but it is pned with "shafts of sharp, inward-facing barbs. "正如普通安全套,它也是由橡胶制成的,但是它内壁布满很多钉齿状哩器。

7.From colorful tall tales to clever barbs aimed at poptical opponents, Lincoln clothed a shrewd wit in a homespun, backwoods vernacular.从于政治对手的目的倒钩丰富多彩高大聪明的故事,林肯在土布衣服一个精明机智,巴克伍兹白话。

8.Insert fitting into tubing, then position crimp ring squarely over barbs . Proper apgnment is important for making the best connection.将管件插入管道,然后将压紧环垂直定位在倒钩上。正确的定位对于实现最好的连接非常重要。

9.Atop the rostrum he would impugn his enemies, excite crowds to action and deflect his detractors' barbs.讲坛之上,他对政敌猛烈抨击,使听众群情激昂、投身行动,令诽谤者的恶言偏离目标。

10.The flattened, webpke part of a feather, consisting of a series of barbs on either side of the shaft.羽毛的压平的网状部分,由箭杆任一侧的一系列倒钩组成