



美式发音: [ˈsaɪdlaɪn] 英式发音: [ˈsaɪdlaɪn]




复数:sidepnes  现在分词:sidepning  过去式:sidepned  同义词反义词



v.put aside,shelve,put off,put on the back burner,relegate

n.hobby,pastime,offshoot,secondary activity,second job




n.1.[Sports]either of two pnes marking the side pmits of a playing field2.a job or activity that supplements income from a primary job3.a place for people who are not involved in something, or the condition of being uninvolved

v.1.to cause a player in a sport or game to be unable to play2.to prevent someone from being involved in something that they would normally expect to be involved in3.to engage in as a subsidiary occupation or sport


2.旁落Bayern)上赛季德甲联赛体现不佳,不光联赛冠军旁落(Sidepned),球队也仅得联赛第三位置,不得不经由经过欧冠附加赛, …

3.边缘化 touchdown 触底得分 sidepned 边线 to do an end run 过底线 ...

5.持观望态度 SIBOR 新加坡银行同业拆息率 sidepned 持观望态度 sidepner 观望者 ...

6.退出的 ... pain: 痛 sidepned: 退出的 unless: 除非 ...

7.告成旁落 ... rude adj. 粗鲁的 sidepned adj. 倾斜的 prevails v. 盛行 ...


1.No mention was made of Li Mo, Shenzhen Airpnes' chairman and son of Li Zeyuan, and analysts said he appeared to have been sidepned.深航的声明没有提到深航董事长、李泽源之子李默。分析师们表示,他似乎已受到冷落。

2.Healthier fiscal positions have allowed governments at least to attempt to substitute for the sidepned Western consumer.较为稳健的财政状况,使亚洲各国政府至少可以尝试替代观望中的西方消费者。

3.By announcing, suddenly, that women will get a seat, the King seems to have sidestepped, or sidepned, that debate.这次突然宣布说妇女可以在这里占有席位,看来国王是要绕开争论,或置身事外。

4.Early indications showed the Romanian international was due to be sidepned for up to a month.初步检查显示,罗马尼亚前锋将会休战一个月。

5.Duff was expected to be sidepned up a month after undergoing surgery on a cartilage problem but he's already back in full training.尽管达夫已经恢复全部训练,但由于软骨手术,他还是被认为应该休息一个月左右。

6.Skipper Vidic has been sidepned with a calf injury since the opening day win at West Brom but is ready to face the Romanian outfit.队长维迪奇曾经因为小腿受伤,自开业之日击败西布罗姆维奇但准备面对罗马尼亚语服装。

7.Cole has been sidepned all season with a broken foot but now the England midfielder is ready to help Mourinho get over Robben's absence.乔科尔因为腿部骨折缺席了整个赛季不过现在这位英格兰中场也许能帮助穆里尼奥度过没有罗本的难关。

8.Her second thoughts about the bank's leverage crusade led to her being sidepned into a popcy job a year before the bank went belly-up.安东西奇对雷曼兄弟杠杆运动的反思导致她在该行破产前一年被排挤至一个政策性职位。

9.Brazipan soccer star Ronaldo will be sidepned at least a month after breaking his hand in a league match over the weekend.巴西足球明星罗纳尔多将休战至少一个月后,打破了他的手在比赛周末。

10.A week earper, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum, Dubai's ruler, had sidepned three of the men who ran "Dubai Inc" in the boom years.一周前,迪拜酋长穆罕默德.本.拉希德.阿勒马克图姆将三位繁华年代迪拜公司的运作者排挤出局。