

sculptor:[英 [ˈskʌlptə(r)] 美 [ˈskʌlptɚ] ]



sculptor 基本解释


名词雕刻家,雕塑家; [天]玉夫座; 雕刻(塑)工人


sculptor 网络解释


1. 雕刻家:用楼梯下到谷中,和雕刻家(SCULPTOR)说话,他竟然是在雕刻维纳斯!!而维纳斯是他村里的GIRL!!!从山道(PASSAGE OF THE CRATER)回到谷顶,在树旁拿起棒子(STICK),然后一直向右去村庄(VILLAGE).

2. sculptor的解释

2. 玉夫座:星座里的亮星 (13): 玉夫座 (Sculptor) 内的亮星明日主题 : 星座里的亮星 (14): 盾牌座 (Scutum) 内的亮星

3. 雕塑学:pinacotheca 画廊,美术馆 | sculptor 雕塑学 | carving 雕刻

4. 雕塑家:biographer 自传作家 | sculptor 雕塑家 | feminist 女权主义者

sculptor 双语例句

1. Was a Spanish painter, draughtsman, and sculptor.


2. From the aesthetic judgement point of view, the pupet sculptures of XuZhuchu, a Zhangzhou puppet sculptor whose works are full of human nature, conform to unity of opposites of dynamic and static state.


3. She complained that the sculptor kept her awake all night kissing her. And then there was no hot water for her douches.


4. America is a sculptor's hammer and chisel with which you can fashion yourself into the man you aim to become.


5. You are the sculptor of your own image.


6. sculptor的翻译

6. This is what the sculptor must do.


7. By the time he was 30 years old, he was recognized as one of the outstanding sculptor.


8. sculptor的近义词

8. TYPICAL USE:A chisel and a hammer are indispensable tools for a sculptor.


9. A chisel and a hammer are indispensable tools for a sculptor.


10. Sculptor David Cerny's work also has appeared in Prague and London and was displayed in Chicago over the summer.


11. While there is no audio, this timelapse demonstration represents an amazing opportunity to watch a master sculptor at work.


12. French sculptor Abel Lafleur created the first trophy.


13. sculptor的意思

13. From Hongmei poetry, to Bo Suanzai Yongmei words, to the painter sculptor portrayed the case of Mito America.


14. The statue was commissioned by the sculptor he TIAN Xiang zai shape of the animal husbandry.


15. Her narrow and supple waist, which a hand may clasp around, sets forth the outline of her rounded figure and the beauty of her bosom, where youth in its flower displays the wealth of its treasures; and beneath the silken folds of her tunic she seems to have been modelled in pure silver by the godlike hand of Vicvarcarma, the immortal sculptor.


16. First swept up in 1783 by mathematician and astronomer Caroline Herschel, the dusty island universe lies a mere 10 million light-years away in the southern constellation Sculptor.


17. Each photo is sculptor sculpture works of art, works of realistic, beautiful, wonderful, rich art, sculptor implication of artistic attainments, is the world's unique collections, gift boutique.


18. At present, there is Taiwan's top design and Master sculptor in the company guide, product quality and technology in the world.


19. sculptor的解释

19. Sculptor Satoshi Yabuuchi once compared its face with that of actress Masako Natsume (1957-1985), who died at a young age.


20. sculptor什么意思

20. Brian D'Amato should stick to being a sculptor because writing is clearly not his bailiwick.


sculptor 词典解释

1. 雕刻家;雕塑家

A sculptor is someone who creates sculptures.

sculptor 单语例句

1. As an accomplished sculptor, she is acutely aware of the artistic tradition.

2. One sculptor fashioned penguins from ice with a chain saw, leaving them to melt in the sun to represent global warming.

3. In next to no time, clay sculptor Ren Jian creates lifelike figures of human subjects with strikingly real facial expression.

4. Sculptor and conceptual artist Zhan Wang has his stainless steel rock sculptures standing on a roadside.

5. American sculptor and conceptual artist Barbara Edelstein will hold a solo exhibition at Elisabeth de Brabant Art Center.

6. The statue found its home in the harbor in 1913, but is actually a copy of an original held by descendants of sculptor Edvard Eriksen.

7. A Chinese artist has been appointed lead sculptor for the giant memorial statue of Martin Luther King on the National Mall in Washington DC.

8. Chan is recognized internationally as the only Chinese jewelry sculptor of revolutionary design and unique technique.

9. The annual fellowship was inaugurated in 2008 and named after sculptor and art educator Zeng, to promote sculpture art in China.

10. Mount Rushmore sculptor Gutzon Borglum described the left side of Lincoln's face as primitive, immature and unfinished.

sculptor 英英释义


1. an artist who creates sculptures

Synonym: sculpturercarverstatue maker