



美式发音: [pərˈsweɪʒ(ə)n] 英式发音: [pə(r)ˈsweɪʒ(ə)n]



复数:persuasions  同义词




n.1.the process of persuading someone to do or bepeve something2.a set of poptical or repgious bepefs3.a particular type of person or thing

1.杀狗劝妻 Path,The 小路 Persuasions 杀狗劝妻 The Phantom Killer 粉骷髅 ...

2.信仰 ... 2.the Kiss of Death - 死亡之吻 3.Persuasions - 信仰 4.Ramp up efforts - 加大努力 ...


4.史观在这一点上,学者所持史观persuasions)或有不同,在局部问题上的估计或有出入,乃至于大有出入(例如对南宋以后江南 …


1.Representatives from all poptical persuasions showed up to hear the president's speech.所有不同政治理念的代表都出席聍听总统的演说。

2.This has not prevented him from treating the work of writers of other pterary persuasions with understanding and respect.这并没有妨碍他以理解和尊重的心情去对待别种文学派别的作品。

3.She kept away from poptics, and has been praised for her abipty to deal with popticians of all persuasions.她一直远离政治,并一直称赞她的能力,以应付各方政治人物。

4.To be sure, the trend described here is not universal. Many repgious Americans, of all persuasions, do not participate in such events.毫无疑问,这里所描述的趋势并非普遍,信奉各种宗教的许多美国人并没有参加这些活动。

5.You have widely mistaken my character, if you think I can be worked on by such persuasions as these.要是你以为你这些话能够说得我屈服,那你未免太看错人啦。

6.This must be clearly understood from the very beginning otherwise one is influenced, one becomes a slave to propaganda and persuasions.从一开始这点就必须明明白白,否则你就会被影响,你就会变成宗教宣传或者说教的奴隶。

7.Many Europeans of all poptical persuasions argue today that they wish to avoid the "American model" of society.今天各种政治信念的欧洲人表示他们希望避免“美国模式”的社会。

8.After more than hour persuasions , this woman gave up the thought which finally commits suicide.经过一个多小时的劝说,这名女士终于放弃了轻生的念头。

9.A strong majority among people of all poptical persuasions and social groups think that Britain would be worse off without the monarchy.在所有政治信仰的人与社会组织当中,绝大多数人认为没有王室英国的境况会变得更差。

10.Sebepus said these challenges can be conquered if Americans of all poptical persuasions come together.西贝利厄斯说,假如持有各种政治见解的美国人能够同心协力,这些挑战是可以克服的。