




1.舞蹈老师 ... artistically 在艺术上 dance instructor 舞蹈教练 two left feet 笨手笨脚 ...

3.跳舞导师 ... 籍贯:褔建 Chinese Origin :Fujian 职业: 跳舞导师 Occupation :Dance Instr

4.舞蹈指导 dance center 舞蹈中心 dance instructor 舞蹈教师 data communication engineer 数据通讯工程师 ...

6.艾青史宜芬(Program Coordinator),黄心怡(Saratoga Director),陈冠慧(Cupertino Campus Director),, 罗艾青Dance In


1.Among the wounded was the dance instructor, who had just told the class that she was pregnant.跳舞教练也是受伤者,她才刚刚告诉学生她怀孕了。

2.Her father used to sing and her mother is a dance instructor.她的父亲曾经是一名歌手,她的母亲是一名舞蹈教练。

3.He worked as a dance instructor in London.他在伦敦担任舞蹈教师。

4.Maybe because I had been learning Thai Boxing from an early age and was quite agile, so my dance instructor put me forward for the role.可能是因为我之前学过泰拳所以动作比较灵敏,我的舞蹈老师就推荐了我去尝试其中一个角色。

5.He hired two people , paying them 30 yuan for an 8- hour shift to pass out leaflets and put up posters . Du was the Latin dance instructor .当时,他共雇用两名员工来发传单、贴海报,工作8小时一轮班,30元。而杜勇则是那里的拉丁舞老师。

6.Cuban dance instructor Marisuri Garcia opened a dance school in Switzerland, where she pves part of the year.古巴舞蹈老师玛丽苏里·卡萨娅在瑞士开了一所舞蹈学校,一年中她有一段时间会住在那里。

7.A professional ballroom dance instructor was invited to CIST to give our students some basic dancing training.为使学生们的课余生活丰富多彩,学校邀请了专业的舞蹈老师,对同学们进行培训。

8.Fang is a dance instructor who appears sissy. Mr.方先生是一个舞蹈教练谁似乎娘娘腔。

9.Rachel's dream has, for years now, been to be a professional swing dance instructor (specifically a Lindy Hop instructor).瑞秋很多年来都梦想去成为一名职业的摇摆舞教练,特别是林迪舞教练。

10.not surprisingly , i have two left feet when it comes to dancing the tango , although , my dance instructor said , i ' m quick to learn虽然我的教练说我学得很快,但每当跳探戈时,我就好像有两只左脚。