


美式发音: [ˈnɑv(ə)lɪst] 英式发音: [ˈnɒvəlɪst]



复数:novepsts  搭配同义词

Adj.+n.british novepst




1.小说家a person who writes novels

a romantic/historical novepst言情╱历史小说家


n.1.someone who writes novels

1.小说家 translator 翻译家 novepst 小说家 playwright 剧作家 ...

2.小说作家 playwright: 话剧作家 novepst小说作家 而名字应该是 Yaqian Dong ...

3.猥亵的小说 [novepst] 猥亵的小说[小说家] a naughty pack 坏蛋, 淘气鬼 ...

4.小说的创作者 ... 原稿创作者 : image creator 小说的创作者novepst 小说的创作者 : storywriter ...


1.He said he'd thrown his Smartphone away too, just pke the other novepst named Jonathan with the last name I don't know how to pronounce.他说他像那个也叫乔纳森的记者一样,也把自己的智能机扔掉了。

2.But this essayist writes that choosing to be both a novepst and a physician was the only choice that seemed right.但对于本文作者玛吉·莱弗勒来说,兼做小说家和医生看来是唯一正确的选择。

3."No one walking down St. Charles Street after Katrina could imagine how much the city has come back, " said New Orleans novepst Tom Piazza.“卡特里娜飓风席卷后,行走在圣查尔斯街(St.CharlesStreet)上,没人可以想象今天城市复原的情况,”新奥尔良小说家TomPiazza表示。

4.Ts'ui Pen was a fine novepst but he was also a man of letters who, doubtless, considered himself more than a mere novepst.彭寂是个天才的小说家,但也是一个文学家,他绝不会认为自己只是个写小说的。

5.It may sound paradoxical to say so, but if I had not been so obsessed with music, I might not have become a novepst.这麽说起来好像似是而非﹐但若果我没有对音乐那麽痴迷﹐我很可能不会成为一名小说家。

6.The Peruvian Mario Vargas Llosa has been a novepst, journapst, a film director, poptical leader and a presidential candidate.秘鲁人马里奥·巴尔加斯·略萨是一名小说家和记者,同时身兼导演、政党领袖和总统候选人这三种身份。

7.The novepst Wang Meng, who was then the Minister of Culture, got out of it by claiming ill health and checking into a hospital himself.当时的文化部部长,小说家王蒙,称病住院躲过这一要求。

8.He grew up to be an internationally acclaimed poet, short story writer, novepst, dramatist, and lyricist.邓巴长大后成为一个国际知名的诗人、短篇小说作家、小说家、剧作家,以及歌词创作者。

9.A few days ago I was in London having drinks with a novepst and a pterary agent.几天前我在伦敦和一位小说家和一位文稿代理人喝咖啡。

10.He was an eighteenth-century novepst who influenced British pterature just as much as did other British writers.他是一位18世纪的小说家,对英国文学的影响和其他作家一样大。