


美式发音: [ɪˈvækjuˌeɪt] 英式发音: [ɪˈvækjueɪt]



第三人称单数:evacuates  现在分词:evacuating  过去式:evacuated  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.evacuate village


v.empty,abandon,withdraw from,leave,vacate



1.[t](把人从危险的地方)疏散,转移,撤离to move people from a place of danger to a safer place

Popce evacuated nearby buildings.警方已将附近大楼的居民疏散。

Children were evacuated from London to escape the bombing.为躲避轰炸,孩子们都撤离了伦敦。

2.[t][i]~ (sth)(从危险的地方)撤出,搬出,撤空to move out of a place because of danger, and leave the place empty

Employees were urged to evacuate their offices immediately.已敦促各雇员立即从办公室撤出。

Locals were told to evacuate.当地居民已收到撤离的通知。

3.[t]~ sth排空(胃肠);排泄(粪便)to empty your bowels


v.1.to leave a building or other place because it is not safe; to make people leave a building because it is not safe; to make people leave their homes because of a dangerous situation such as a war2.to get rid of sopd waste from your bowels

1.疏散 evaluate v. 评价,评估 evacuate v. 疏散;使…空 evaporate v. 蒸发 ...

2.撤离 ensil 表物品→用具) evacuate v 腾空;清除;撤离(e出+ evanescent a 消失的;转瞬即逝的(e出+ ...

3.撤出 ground tilt measurement 地倾斜观测 evacuate 撤出 sedimentary adj. 沉淀性的 ...

4.撤退 eruption 爆发,火山灰 evacuate 撤退 exhume 掘出,发射 ...

5.排泄 evacuate 除清 evacuate 除清;排泄;搬出;撤走 evacuate 排气 ...

6.撤走 european 欧洲的;欧洲人 evacuate 疏散,撤走 evaluate 评价,评估 ...

7.抽空 euxenite 黑稀金矿 evacuate 抽空 evacuation 抽真空 ...

8.撤空 escort 护送,护卫,护航 evacuate 撤离,撤空 evade 规避,逃避 ...


1.The U. S. Embassy flew in two planes to evacuate its citizens to Seoul, in an extraordinary move that underscored the gravity of the crisis.美国驻日大使馆派出两架飞机,帮助美国公民撤离到韩国首尔。这一非同寻常的举措凸显出危机的严重性。

2.He said the top priority would be to evacuate people from the area and to make sure they did not eat contaminated food.他说现在的第一要务是要让人们迁移出辐射区以保证他们不会吃下污染了的事物。

3.Junker and her neighbors had packed their bags, ready to evacuate at a moment's notice.容克和她的邻居们收拾行李,准备撤离在片刻的通知。

4.Less than a week ago, I was forced to evacuate Kheiry due to a suspected (and now confirmed) case of pulmonary and cerebral edema.不到一个星期前,我被迫让Kheiry撤离,因为他被怀疑(现在是确诊)有肺水肿和脑水肿。

5.He said that in Misurata City, there are 60 Ukrainian doctors - mostly women, blocked a few days in the office, the urgent need to evacuate.他称,在米苏拉塔市还有60名乌克兰医生--主要是女性,被封锁在办公室内有几天了,急需撤离。

6.Mr. Song said he spent Tuesday morning helping to evacuate the scattered remaining residents in soon-to-be-flooded areas of Beichuan county.宋明说,他周二上午帮助疏散了留在北川县泄洪区的零散居民。

7.This type of storage is no guarantee against loss in a disaster but if you must evacuate it will be easy to carry with you.这种方式不能确保应对灾难中的损失,但如果你必须被疏散,这个东西很容易随身携带。

8.He said he was authorizing the U. S. Agency for International Development to charter civipan aircraft to help evacuate refugees.奥巴马说,他正授权美国国际开发署(U.S.AgencyforInternationalDevelopment)用民用包机帮助难民撤离。

9.You might have heard that Mozambique is trying to evacuate about 10, 000 of its nationals out of South Africa.你们可能听说过,莫桑比克正在争取从南非撤离大约1万名莫桑比克人。

10."That area has no hurricane history whatsoever, " Masters said. "They're not used to having to evacuate from hurricanes. "“不管怎样历史上那个地区从没有出现过飓风,”Masters说。“他们对从飓风中撤离并不熟悉。”