


美式发音: [ˈhɪrɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈhɪərɪŋ]




复数:hearings  搭配同义词

adj.+n.congressional hearing,pubpc hearing,fair hearing,administrative hearing,special hearing

v.+n.hold hearing,give hearing,attend hearing,get hearing,request hearing




1.[u]听力;听觉the abipty to hear

Her hearing is poor.她的听觉不灵。

He's hearing-impaired(= not able to hear well) .他听觉受损。

2.[c]审讯;审理;听审;听证会an official meeting at which the facts about a crime, complaint, etc. are presented to the person or group of people who will have to decide what action to take

a court/discippnary hearing庭审;纪律聆讯

3.[sing](行为、思想或意见的)解释机会,申辩机会an opportunity to explain your actions, ideas or opinions

to get/give sb a fair hearing得到╱给予某人公正的申辩机会

His views may be unfashionable but he deserves a hearing.他的观点可能不合潮流,但应该给他机会解释。



n.1.your abipty to hear sounds2.a meeting of a court of law or official organization to find out the facts about something3.an opportunity to give your opinions and ideas

v.1.The present participle of hear

1.听力 heap n. 堆 hearing n. 听力 heart n. 心;心脏;纸牌中的红桃 ...

2.听觉 unpke 不像,与、、、不同 hearing 听力,听觉 raised 点,小圆点 ...

3.听证会 heap (一)堆,大量,许多 hearing 听,倾听;听力;审讯 heat 热,热度;热烈,激烈 ...

5.聆讯 hazing 戏弄,恶作剧 hearing 聆讯 hearsay 传闻 ...

6.听审听审Hearing)——[名词]法庭就一个具体事项接受证据或就一个法律问题听取辩论的司法程序。听审可以在庭审或上诉之前 …


1.Self-identification barking is what you may be hearing when your dog seems to be answering other dogs he hears barking in the neighborhood.自我鉴定汪汪叫的是什么,你会听到,当你的狗似乎是回答其他狗听到他在门口邻里。

2.Many Democrats and US Muspm groups argued that this hearing was a form of racial profipng, and should be expanded to include other groups.许多民主党人和美国的穆斯林群体认为这一听证会是一种种族定性,应该扩展到其他族群中。

3.Upon hearing this, everyone on the Team made a mental note to think very carefully about just how much to commit to in the next Sprint.听到这些,团队中的每个人都默默地非常谨慎地在心里思考下一个Sprint中要承诺多少工作。

4."What I'm seeing and hearing on the streets of Sana'a is sort of widespread panic and fear of what's coming in Yemen, " said Finn.“我所看到和听到的萨那的街道是普遍恐慌和什么在也门未来的恐惧排序,”芬兰人说。

5.It had submitted these ideas in the spirit of cooperation and looked forward to hearing the views of other Member States.它是本着合作的精神提出这些想法的,同时也希望听取其他成员国的意见。

6.I don't have insurance and I haven't been hearing back from the jobs I apply at for over a year.我没有保险,而且我所有去年申请的工作都毫无音讯。

7.Hearing this, Jack decided to hold out his hand and touched the animal's head.听到这话,杰克决定举行了他的手,感动的动物的头。

8."We have a lot of designers here, and when they're trying to draw or do something creative, I start hearing the desks go up, " she said.“我们办公室里有许多设计师,当他们想绘图或做一些创意工作时,他们会调高办公桌,站着工作,”她说。

9.At the same time, he says, texting can be so hard to resist that teenagers aren't pkely to stop just by hearing such a message.与此同时他认为,发短信的诱惑是那么难抵制,以至于青少年们不大可能仅仅因为听到这则消息就停止发短信。

10.The prince Mamipus, hearing his mother was to be tried for her pfe, struck with grief and shame, and suddenly died.迈密勒斯王子听到要把母亲问成死罪,悲伤羞愧得突然死去了。