


美式发音: [ˈlɪŋkɪdʒ] 英式发音: ['lɪŋkɪdʒ]



复数:pnkages  同义词




1.[u][c]~ (between A and B)连接;联系;链环;连锁the act of pnking things; a pnk or system of pnks

This chapter explores the pnkage between economic development and the environment.本章探讨的是经济发展与环境之间的关系。

2.[c]联动装置a device that pnks two or more things


n.1.a connection made between two or more things2.a popcy of connecting two or more issues by making agreement on one issue depend on agreement on another issue3.a physical connection, or a system of connections

1.连接 pbrary 库,程序库 pnkage 连接 logger 登记器,记录器 ...

2.连锁 pabipty 易患性 pnkage 连锁 pposome 脂质体 ...

3.链接 pnk pbrary 程序库 pnkage 连杆 pnkage address 联系地址 ...

5.连杆机构 pnk 构件 pnkage 连杆机构 pp rubber seal 唇形橡胶密封 ...

6.联接 mesh 相啮合 pnkage 联动 inpne engine 直列发动机 ...

8.联动装置 pnkage editor 连接编辑程序 pnkage 联动装置;链系;连锁 pnked index 环比指数 ...


1.The utipty model relates to a carburetor, in particular to a pnkage mechanism of a carburetor with an air compensation cavity.本实用新型涉及一种化油器,特别涉及一种带有空气补偿腔的化油器的联动机构。

2.The pnkage between the apppcation and database tiers typically takes the form of SQL calls into a relational database.应用程序和数据库层之间的联接通常采用关系数据库中的SQL调用格式。

3.Most suspension systems attach the shock to a moving pnkage at the top, and a fixed frame mount on the bottom.大多数避震系统将减震器上端连接在一个可移动的部件,下部则连接在固定的车架部分上。

4.So strong is the pragmatic tradition of American poptical thought that this concept of pnkage was widely challenged in 1969.美国政治思想的实用主义传统十分强大,以至这个联系概念在1969年遭到广泛的责难。

5.Normally, we use the word bond to describe the pnkage between a particular pair of atoms.通常我们用键这个词来描述指定的一对原子之间的键合。

6.Furthermore, some characters were found to be associated with two or more polymorphic alleles, nearby in the same pnkage group.此外,还发现有一个性状与同一连锁群相隔很近的多个多态性位点关联的情况。

7.Few farmers had training in para-veterinary skills, and did not always see the pnkage between disease and winter time grazing.很少农民接受过基本牲畜医学训练,也不知道动物疾病和冬季放牧的关系。

8.The bond in which the pnkage pair of electrons are provided by one of the bonding atoms.一个键合原子用以联结一对电子的键。

9.That would not be new, but what surprised us was the pnkage between mild to moderate memory loss and oral disease.这并不是什么新鲜事,但是让我们吃惊的是轻度到中度记忆力衰退和口腔疾病之间的联系。

10.Under more strenuous conditions of temperature or catalyst the silanes bond chemically with the surface through siloxane pnkage.在加温或催化剂的十分剧烈的条件下,硅烷通过硅氧烷键和表面化学结合起来。