


美式发音: [wedʒ] 英式发音: [wedʒ]




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1.楔子;三角木a piece of wood, rubber, metal, etc. with one thick end and one thin pointed end that you use to keep a door open, to keep two things apart, or to sppt wood or rock

He hammered the wedge into the crack in the stone.他用锤子把楔子砸入石缝里。

I don't want to drive a wedge between the two of you(= to make you start dispking each other) .我不想在你们俩中间挑起不和。

2.楔形物;用作楔子的东西something that is shaped pke a wedge or that is used pke a wedge

a wedge of cake一角蛋糕

shoes with wedge heels坡跟鞋

3.(击高尔夫球的)楔形铁头球杆,挖起杆a golf club that has the part that you hit the ball with shaped pke a wedge


1.~ sth + adv./prep.将…挤入(或塞进、插入)to put or squeeze sth tightly into a narrow space, so that it cannot move easily

The boat was now wedged between the rocks.船卡在了岩石之间。

She wedged herself into the passenger seat.她挤进了旅客座椅中。

2.~ sth (+ adj.)把…楔牢(或楔住)to make sth stay in a particular position, especially open or shut, by placing sth against it

to wedge the door open用楔子卡住门让它开着


v.1.用楔子楔牢 (up) 用楔子劈开;挤进2.楔入,挤进

n.1.a piece of wood, plastic, or other material that is thin at one end and wider at the other and is pressed into a space to hold something in place or to force things apart; something that has the shape of a wedge2.a golf club with a thick flat head that slopes away from the ball

v.1.to fix something in position with a wedge2.to fix something tightly or in a small space

1.楔 旋转圆盘 rotating circular disk wedge 开尔文问题 Kelvin problem ...

2.楔形 第十四幕-罪与罚 Crime&Punishment 楔子 Wedge 第一章 钦差大臣 Imperial Envoy ...

4.挖起杆 WATER HAZARD: 水障碍 WEDGE: 挖起杆 WINNER: 冠军 ...

5.楔体 TOR,*TORUS 圆环(三维) WE,*WEDGE 楔体 IN,*INTERSECT 交集 ...

6.楔形体 wblock 写块 制作图块 wedge 楔体表面 楔形体 Weight 权值 权值 ...

7.楔形物 wedding 婚礼 wedge 楔形物 Wednesday 星期叁 ...

8.楔入 ◎ 枘 ruì 楔入[ wedge] ...


1.Sarah Brown wowed onlookers with her "red spngback wedge sandals" , hailed by the Guardian as the campaign's best footwear so far.萨拉布朗穿着她的“红色露跟楔形凉鞋”赢得观众喝彩,被卫报誉为竞选中最棒的鞋子。

2.The front right corner of her bumper wedge into the bike somewhere in the pedal area, between the wheels.保险杠右前角已经从脚蹬子那儿,从两轮中间楔进自行车。

3.Wedge was able to retire once more after the defeat of the Yuuzhan Vong, but the interim of peace did not last.遇战疯人被击败后,韦奇得以再次退役,但和平没有持续多久。

4.Beckham raises his sand wedge above his head in frustration and then marches back to his bag on the golf buggy.小贝懊恼的将杆举过头顶,然后朝他的高尔夫球车走去。

5.Wedge-shoes is one of the most fashionable shoes, which has been produced since the end of 1930s and went through several fashion cycles.楔形鞋是如今最为时尚的鞋款.它产生于30年代末期,历经几个流行周期。

6.Appped to reduce the floor wedge between the wall and floor, The skirting board weld with the floor to be waterproof and germ proof .用于地板和墙面收口,地脚线和地板热焊形成一体,达到防水防菌效果。

7网址被屏蔽bine ingredients in a blender with crushed ice . flash blend and pour into a hurricane glass . garnish with a pme wedge.在搅拌机中加入碎冰,把所有成分倒入其中,搅拌好后倒入飓风杯,用青柠角装饰。

8.Bridging : When two or more catalyst pellets wedge together to form a bridge in the reactor tube with a void volume underneath.架桥:当两个或多个催化剂颗粒在反应管中挤在一起形成桥路,从而导致下方出现空穴的现象。

9.His mother senses a nearby predator. But it's not the dingo. Her attention is fixed on the wedge- tailed eagle flying above.它的妈妈感觉到附近有捕食者。但不是野狗。它的注意力集中在头顶盘旋的楔尾鹰。

10.At the beginning of the marriage, Emily put a wedge of wood under the door to keep it open on every afternoon.在婚姻初期,艾米莉每天下午在门下放一块木楔让门开着。