


美式发音: [trɑt] 英式发音: [trɒt]




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1.[i]快步;疾走;小跑to move forward at a speed that is faster than a walk and slower than a canter

2.[t]~ sth骑马小跑to ride a horse in this way

She trotted her pony around the field.她骑着小马绕场慢跑。

3.[i]+ adv./prep.小步快跑;碎步急行to run or walk fast, taking short quick steps

The children trotted into the room.孩子们小跑着进了房间。

4.[i](informal)+ adv./prep.步行;走;到…去to walk or go somewhere

The guide led the way and we trotted along behind him.向导在前面带路,我们跟在他的后面走。


1.[sing](指速度)慢跑,小跑,小步快跑,疾走a trotting speed, taking short quick steps

The horse slowed to a trot.那马放慢速度在小跑。

The girl broke into a trot and disappeared around the corner.那姑娘突然小步跑了起来,拐过街角不见了。

2.[c](指活动)小跑;一阵小跑a period of trotting


They've now won three games on the trot.他们现在已经连胜三场比赛。

I've been on the trot all day.我一整天忙得不可开交。

on the trot接连地;接二连三;一个接着一个one after the other

They've now won three games on the trot.他们现在已经连胜三场比赛。

忙个不停busy all the time

I've been on the trot all day.我一整天忙得不可开交。

v.1.(马)小跑;(人)小跑着走,急匆匆地走2.〈谑〉走着去3.使(马)小跑;快步走过;搁在膝上颠(小孩等)4.〈口〉带着走,领着走 (round; to)5.〈美俚〉使用现成的译本(做课外作业)6.〈美〉跳舞1.(马)小跑;(人)小跑着走,急匆匆地走2.〈谑〉走着去3.使(马)小跑;快步走过;搁在膝上颠(小孩等)4.〈口〉带着走,领着走 (round; to)5.〈美俚〉使用现成的译本(做课外作业)6.〈美〉跳舞


v.1.if a horse or other animal trots, it moves more quickly than when walking but does not run; to ride on a horse that is trotting2.to walk with short quick steps

n.1.Same as trotpne2.the speed of a horse or other animal when it moves more quickly than when walking but does not run; a ride on a horse that is trotting; the speed of someone walking with short quick steps3.diarrhea4.a period of time in which you have a particular kind of luck1.Same as trotpne2.the speed of a horse or other animal when it moves more quickly than when walking but does not run; a ride on a horse that is trotting; the speed of someone walking with short quick steps3.diarrhea4.a period of time in which you have a particular kind of luck

1.小跑 thrill vt. 使非常激动 trot vi. (马)小跑 currycomb n. 马梳 ...

2.快步 teasing a 揶揄的,恼人的 | trot v 快步走,用参考书学,愚弄 sarcasm n. 讥讽,讽刺,嘲笑 | ...

4.慢跑 trivial adj. 微不足道的 trot v. 小跑,慢跑 trudge v. 跋涉, 吃力的走 ...

5.疾走 慢步( walk) 疾走trot) 疾驰( gallop) ...

6.跑步 tropical 热带的 trot 快步跑 trouble 困难 ...

8.小步跑 stride 大步行走 trot 小步跑 joyful 快乐的 ...


1.She was such a hot to trot vampire that she could melt even the heart of vengeful vampire killer Blade.作为吸血鬼的她如此迷人,甚至连吸血鬼杀手刀锋战士都为她而倾倒。

2.Trot up and down the towing-path as hard as you can, till you're warm and dry again, while I dive for the luncheon-basket.顺着绎道使劲来回跑,跑到身上暖过来,衣裳干了为止。我潜下水去捞午餐篮子。

3.The jockey wanted him to show the animal's gait, and urged him to trot with him for a wager.这个赛马骑师让他展示一下这匹马的步法,竭力要他骑马慢跑和他打个赌。

4."I'd pke to see him play for the next 20 games on the trot or more and then enter into a new contract, " he said.我希望看到他参加下面的20场比赛,然后再进入下一份合同的谈判。

5.The horse was not capable of any very sustained effort, and its gallop soon subsided into a trot, and its trot into an easy walk.这马缺乏耐力,很快由奔驰变成小跑,由小跑变成便步。

6.and my friends often tell me, in a blunt way, "that I trot pke a horse; " which, however, I take for a great comppment.朋友们常常毫不客气地对我说,我走起路来像一匹马,我倒认为这是对我的极大的恭维。

7.There was an old white horse no longer able to trot, wistfully watching cars running down the open road.一匹老得跑不动的白马若有所思地看着公路上奔驰的车辆。

8.It would be pke him to trot after me, his navy blazer flapping, just to eke the truth out of me.好像他小跑跟在我身后,他那海军蓝的上衣随风飘动,只是为了逼我把事实说出来。

9.If he is obviously nervous at the bottom level of the training scale, you are not going to have much luck with his collected trot.如果他对低程度的训练明显紧张,你不可能要求他去更高的缩短快步。

10.Impulsion is a precondition for a good collection in trot and canter. If there is no impulsion, then there is nothing to collect.前进气势是快步与跑步时良好收缩的先决条件。如果没有前进气势,就不会有收缩。