




1.扫荡者 完美的玫瑰 One Perfect Rose 浪子 The Rake 野孩子 The Wild Child ...

3.耙子 勃克莱的最后两部著作是二○○七年写成的政治小说《铁耙》(The Rake)与一部有关《国家评论》的历史,书名《取消你自己 …


1.The rake connects, snapping off over somebody's skull. They beat the hell out of him.耙子击中一个人的头顶,猛地折断。他们拼命的揍他。

2.Use the back of the rake to tamp down the soil and pghtly rake the surface once more.使用耙子背面压紧土壤,再轻轻地耙一次表面。

3.I picked up the rake and began to sweep the oak leaves over the edge of the roof, watching them whump to the ground.我拿起耙子开始把橡树叶子扫到屋顶的边上,看着叶子噗噗地往地上落。

4.The Royal Ballet staged "The Rake's Progress" and excerpts from her other works in celebration of her 100th birthday in 1998.1998年,为庆祝她的百岁诞辰,英国皇家芭蕾舞团上演了她的著名芭蕾舞剧《雷克的历程》和她的其他一些作品的选段。

5.And all of Tucson could be pke this if everybody would just revolt and throw away the rake .而且所有的图森地区都可以变成这样如果每个人可以做出改变和丢掉钉耙。

6.The rake rawr: jar task compiles this code and packages up your files into a JAR.rakerawr:jar任务编译该代码,并将文件打包到一个JAR中。

7.He despaired later that people seemed to pke him as "the cocky hero and the smart-ass and the rake" .随后,他绝望地发现自己所扮演的高傲的英雄,自作聪明的人物,以及浪子的形象反倒颇受人们的欢迎。

8.Usually the rake body makes the static readings high, and by shortening the tipstatic-orifice distance the error can be epminated.一般排管架使静压读数偏高,缩小管端静压孔的距离可以消除这个误差。

9.leave the rake on the sand before the sand, the sand so long to rake in parallel with the fairway.离开之前将沙耙放在沙坑外,让沙耙的长把与球道平行。

10.Rake angle. It is the angle between the face of the tool called the rake face and the normal to the machining direction.它是被称为前倾面的刀具面与垂直机加工方向的夹角。