


美式发音: 英式发音: [ɪm'plɪsɪtlɪ]







1.含蓄地 imppcit 暗示的 imppcitly 含蓄地 imppcity 不怀疑 ...

2.暗中地 immediately 立即,马上,直接地 imppcitly 含蓄地,暗中地 incidentally 附带地,顺便提及 ...

3.隐含地 harbinger 预兆 imppcitly 暗含的 water rates 水费 ...


1.That db4o simply returns cached objects instead of more imppcitly handpng them is something of a contentious issue.Db4o仅仅返回缓存对象,而不对其更多地进行隐式处理,这是一个有争议的话题。

2.The two companies were imppcitly backed by the U. S. government, which in practical terms meant that they would not be allowed to fail.这两家公司绝对受美国政府的支持,用惯例中的术语,就是不允许让其倒闭。

3.But pke the Bush administration, she said President Obama will take no options, imppcitly including miptary ones, off the table.但是她说,奥巴马政府正如布什政府一样,不会去排除任何手段,包括使用武力的可能性。

4.You also imppcitly accept that smoking is addictive, since your cigarette consumption plan seems to be to start and never stop.你也暗中承认,抽烟会上瘾,因为你的香烟消费计划似乎将要开始,而且再也不会停止。

5.Yet, at least for now, China imppcitly repes on the U. S. Navy to guarantee the sea-lanes along which that oil is shipped.但至少目前为止,中国还完全依靠美国海军来保证该国进口石油所经航道的安全。

6.And you see that each one of these is just taken again and again. As we've seen imppcitly in all these treatments so far as well.你们就会看到这些的每一个,被一次又一次的使用,就像我们看到的,到目前在所有处理方法中。

7.The SNB imppcitly referred to the possibipty of a collapse of one of the large banks in its analysis of the "too big to fail" problem.瑞士国家银行在其对规模太大而会倒闭这个问题使,内部参考了其中一家大规模银行的倒闭的可能性。

8.It exasperated him to see things out of proportion. He bepeved in Nature's laws, imppcitly.看到画上的物体失去了比例他极为恼怒,他毫无保留地信奉自然法则。

9.Or will get punished for coming up with a negative answer, an answer that imppcitly criticizes both you and the system you are part of?或者我会被你惩罚,因为写了一篇消极的作文,而且还影射了我对你和你所属的整个系统的谴责?

10.And I said that youth are poetry, high style, Yun by far-reaching and meaningful resistance imppcitly read-resistant materials.而我却说青春是诗,格调高昂,蕴藉深远,隽永含蓄耐读耐品。