


美式发音: [ˈkɛrlɪslɪ] 英式发音: ['keələslɪ]








1.粗心地 badly adv. 坏地;糟糕地 carelessly adv. 粗心地;马虎地 * hard adv. 努力地 * ...

2.不经意 胡噜〖 rub〗 胡乱carelessly;casually;atrandom〗 胡抡〖 actrashly〗 ...

4.草草 草本植物[ herb] 草草[ hastily;carelessly;roughly] 草测[ prepminary survey] ...

5.粗心的 carefully 细心地—— carelessly 粗心的 catch 赶上—— ...

6.不小心地 ... D.unexpectedly 意外地 A.carelessly 不小心地 B.cautiously 谨慎地 ...

7.粗心大意地 carefully 仔细地 carelessly 粗心大意地 check A to B 未确认B的存在检验A ...


1.It had not only lost its electronics, but carelessly, its country too.它不仅失去了电子元件,一不小心还失去了它的祖国。

2.Worst of all is to turn a secret crush into a bold pubpc confession by carelessly making a mistake entering your crush.最糟的莫过于,因不小心在标记“暗恋”时出了差错,而让暗恋成为“勇敢”的公开表白。

3.The boy said he was trying to catch a fish near the river bank and carelessly fell into the water.男孩说他(刚刚)是在河边试着抓鱼,(后来),一不小心就掉进水里了。

4.t use time or words carelessly. Neither can be retrieved. Life is not a race, but a journey to be savored each step of the way.不要虚度光阴或信口开河。时间和言语都无法收回。生活不是赛跑,而是每一步都应该细细品味的一次旅行。

5.It had so big eyes but it was not able to see the surrounding, brushing my forehead carelessly.有这么大的眼睛,却不看清环境,粗心大意地刮到我的额头。

6.What sort of person carelessly loses objects equal to the GDP of a third world country?究竟是哪种人粗心得丢了价值相当于一个第三世界国家的国内生产总值的东西?

7.After thinking a while, he said carelessly: " if I have not met you , I may have another guy who might be way better than you. "自己也想了想,然后不在意地说:“就是没有你,我也会遇上别人,说不定他比你还好。”

8.Early in the Libyan crisis he carelessly said he would "not dare disturb" his friend, Colonel Qaddafi, about the violence in his country.利比亚危机初期,他漫不经心地说他将“不敢”就利比亚国内暴力事件“打扰”他的朋友卡扎菲上校。

9.He has proven his loyalty to you on several occasions, sir, and I would not discard my hard-earned friendship with him so carelessly.他已经屡次向你证明了他的忠诚,阁下,而我不会如此轻易放弃与他之间那份来之不易的友谊。

10.He sat down at his desk and looked carelessly at the drawing that Owen handed to him.他在桌旁坐下,漫不经心地看着欧文交给他的图样。