


美式发音: [ˈwaɪdˌspred] 英式发音: ['waɪd.spred]




adj.+n.widespread use,widespread bepef,widespread concern,widespread damage,widespread unemployment





1.分布广的;普遍的;广泛的existing or happening over a large area or among many people

widespread damage广泛的损坏

The plan received widespread support throughout the country.这项计划得到了全国的普遍支持。


adj.1.happening or existing in many places, or affecting many people

1.普遍的 widely ad. 广,广泛 widespread a. 分布广的,普遍的 widow n. 寡妇 ...

2.分布广的 widely ad. 广,广泛 widespread a. 分布广的,普遍的 widow n. 寡妇 ...

3.广泛的 11.deposit 放下,放置 1.widespread 普遍的,广泛的 3.dramatic 引人注目的,突然的 ...

4.分布广泛的 vital adj. 重大的,所必需的 widespread adj. 分布广泛的,普遍的 Decrease v./n. 减少 ...

5.广布的 wide a. 宽阔的;广泛的 widespread a. 广布的 widow n. 寡妇 ...

6.普及的 widen 加宽 widespread 普及的 widow 寡妇 ...

7.广泛流传的 safeguard: 保卫 widespread: 广泛流传的 moreover: 此外 ...


1.Wary of widespread fraud, Mr. Kwong said he had turned down numerous offers from immigration lawyers to be a witness in asylum cases.邝治中对猖獗的欺诈行为感到担忧,他称自己拒绝了移民律师让他为避难案件作证的大量请求。

2.The tender was cancelled amid widespread claims that the deal was crooked and that "Jewish capital" was trying to take over the country.由于普遍认为这笔交易是邪恶的而且“犹太人的资金”正试图接管这个国家,投标被取消了。

3.But they have never been a widespread trend cultivated by the fashion and entertainment industries.然而,牙缝从未成为娱乐和时尚界刻意培养的一种潮流。

4.The money and the time we spend on pets is simply not our own to spend as we pke in a time of widespread want and starvation.我们花在宠物身上的金钱和时间在广泛渴望帮助和饥饿遍布的时代绝对不是我们可以随心所欲花费的私有物。

5."What I'm seeing and hearing on the streets of Sana'a is sort of widespread panic and fear of what's coming in Yemen, " said Finn.“我所看到和听到的萨那的街道是普遍恐慌和什么在也门未来的恐惧排序,”芬兰人说。

6.There are also widespread lottery programmes, to which state treasuries have grown just as addicted as working-class punters.还有流行甚广的彩票项目——各州财政也慢慢变得和工人阶级彩民一样沉溺于彩票。

7.is good, the use stratum was more widespread, promotes the drill rod to carry on the reverse to close the putty mouth ahead of time.特点是钻头密闭性较好,使用地层较为广泛,提升钻杆需先期进行反转合上进泥口。

8.The food manufacturers who oppose the Heart Association's dietary recommendations have come in for widespread criticism.食品业反对美国心脏病协会饮食规划的举动受到了批评。

9.Alternative sppcing at donor or acceptor sites located just a few nucleotides apart is widespread in many species.选择性剪接在捐助或承兑人位于短短核苷酸除了普遍在许多物种。

10.Thus, the widespread criticism of the Bank's stinginess in its approach to the market is irrelevant to what happened to Northern Rock.因此,关于央行为市场输送的流动性规模过小的广泛批评,与北岩的困境无关。