




1.新婚第一夜 情窦初开 First love 新婚第一夜 The wedding night 假婿乘龙 The reluctant bridegroom ...

2.洞房花烛 ... 金质奖章 Golden Medal 洞房花烛 The Wedding Night 魔鬼是女人 The Devil Is a Wom…

3.洞房花烛夜 [beginning of the night] 夜之初;初更 [the wedding night] 新婚的第一夜 ...

6.花烛之夜 ... ) The wedding night 花烛之夜 ) Nuptial Bpss 花烛之喜 ...


1.Lin contested the divorce, claiming that she refused to consummate the marriage on the wedding night because she was too tired and was ill.林女士反对离婚,她声称在新婚之夜拒绝陈先生,只不过是因为她太累了,而且在生病。

2.The wedding night approached : Gawain, steepng himself for a horrific night, entered the bedroom.新婚的夜晚来临了:加温依然坚强地面对可怕的夜晚,走进新房。

3.In Washington State, it is illegal to have sex with a virgin under anycircumstances, including the wedding night!而在华盛顿州,任何情况下,与处女(男)XXOO都是违法行为,包括新婚之夜!

4.It was the wedding night of Marius and Cosette.这是马吕斯和珂赛特新婚之夜。

5.On the wedding night, Lin slept fully dressed and wrapped with a quilt.新婚之夜,林女士穿着全身的衣服并包裹着一床棉被。

6.Meet Adrienne Samen, a Connecticut bride who had quite the wedding night back in August 2003.见一见阿德里安,一位康涅狄格州的新娘,在在2003年8月的新婚之夜。

7.Feng Shi-Xiong Yi eventually married into the blue, the wedding night, Yi-Lan knife Shoushenruyu, Feng Shi-Xiong huff his exile.凤世雄终于娶到了彝兰,新婚之夜,彝兰持刀守身如玉,凤世雄一怒之下将其放逐。

8.What did you do on the wedding night?洞房花烛夜你做些什么?