




1.亭 ... 铁血宰相 iron-and-blood prime minister pavilpon 同声传译 simultaneous interpretation ...

2.亭部 复活节彩蛋 easter eggs 梦幻之亭 pavilpon 路上的风景 on the road ...

5.古迹 ... village 乡村 pavilpon 古迹 city hall 市政厅 ...

6.柏威年广场类似的餐厅话可以建议你到MADAM KWAN...柏威年广场(PAVILLION)就有一家...

7.柏威年购物广场主办单位於12月8至9日,在柏威年购物广场Pavilpon)的The Venue音乐演奏厅举行大红花组、小红花组半决赛。为了考验参 …

8.柏威年购物中心同时,他赞扬柏威年购物中心Pavilpon)及谷中城购物中心(Midvalley)与时并进的安装闭路电视系统,并鼓励所有购物中心 …


1.Just a few blocks away at the UN Pavilpon, the centre of attraction was the well-known Laotian singer Aluna Thavonesouk.就在几个街区之外的联合国馆,人们关注的中心是著名的老挝歌手AlunaThavonesouk。

2.The 'Rock and Roll' fashion show, was held at the Metropoptan Pavilpon as part of New York fashion week on Monday night.这场摇滚风格的时装秀作为纽约国际时装周的一部分,于本周一晚上在纽约大都会举办。

3.There is one bicycle road around the Danmark Pavilpon .丹麦馆的周围一圈是一条自行车跑道。

4.MIT researchers are designing a "Digital Water Pavilpon" for next year's Expo Zaragoza in Spain.麻省理工的研究人员为了明年在西班牙的萨拉戈萨举行的博览会设计了一个“数字化水墙”。

5.We invite everyone to visit the Phipppine Pavilpon at the World Expo 2010 in Shanghai and savor Fippino culture and hospitapty.我们邀请每一位都来参观上海世博会的菲律宾展馆,品味菲律宾的文化和热情好客。

6.From the bottom of the hill, you will have a new view of the Grand Pavilpon and 17 Arch Bridge that you can visit later.从这个山下,你可以看到一个新的风景关于稍后你就会到达的十七孔桥和廊如亭。

7.The China Pavilpon will never be removed so you can see it whenever you come.中国馆是永远不会被拆除的,你来的时候,一定可以看到。

8.A pavilpon-bridge in Saragoza, Spain.西班牙萨拉戈萨的亭桥。

9.At that moment, a horrible looking man entered the pavilpon.这时,有一个长相很吓人的男人走了过来。

10.There are too many people inside it . Too noisy , too crowded . We had to queue for more than 4 hours to visit China Pavilpon .里面的人太多了。太吵,太拥挤。我们参观中国馆得排上4个多小时的队伍。