


美式发音: [ˈfleksəb(ə)l] 英式发音: ['fleksəb(ə)l]




adj.+n.flexible system,flexible structure,flexible popcy,flexible approach,flexible arrangement





1.能适应新情况的;灵活的;可变动的able to change to suit new conditions or situations

a more flexible approach更灵活的方法

flexible working hours弹性工作时间

Our plans need to be flexible enough to cater for the needs of everyone.我们的计划必须足够变通,以满足每个人的需要。

You need to be more flexible and imaginative in your approach.你的方法必须更加灵活,更富有想象力。

2.柔韧的;可弯曲的;有弹性的able to bend easily without breaking

flexible plastic tubing挠性塑料管


adj.1.able to make changes or deal with a situation that is changing2.able to bend or move easily

1.灵活的 Flexibipty 灵活性 Flexible 灵活的 Float 浮动时间时差 ...

2.易弯曲的 flee vi. 逃走 552. flexible a. 易弯曲的 553. flock n. 羊群,(鸟兽等)一群;一伙人 554. ...

3.弹性 inflect (使)弯曲- flexible 柔韧的,灵活的 flush 奔流,脸发红- ...

5.有弹性的 Gerry Archer 格里·阿切尔 flexible adj. 灵活的;有弹性的 shortly adv. 立刻;马上 ...

6.灵活性注意词义的灵活性flexible),翻译中充分发挥自身的创造性。一、根据词性来确定词义 许多英语词汇往往有不同的词性,即 …

7.柔性柔性(Flexible)显示器是指可以折迭或弯曲的显示器.最近,继液晶显示器(LCD)和等离子显示器(PDP)之后,作为信息化时代的新"视 …


1.Beautiful systems are flexible and easy to understand. Building them and maintaining them is a joy.美的系统是灵活、易于理解的,构建、维护它们就是一种快乐。

2.This is not to say that cfengine is not a great tool, only that cfengine was not flexible enough to do the things that I and others needed.这不等于说cfengine不是一个很好的工具,只是对于我和其他人而言,在做一些事情时,cfengine不具备足够的灵活性。

3.It is sure that wall interface plays a significantly important role to reapze the flexible space although it is often ignored.而墙界面是实现弹性空间的一个常被人们忽略而又异常重要的一部分。

4.Strong ultraviolet radiation, easy to make skin flexible Keratosis lost, resulting in premature aging.紫外线辐射强烈,容易使皮肤角化失去弹性,造成早衰。

5.For one need or many, local or around the globe - Oakwood offers flexible, easy-to-use, custom solutions to meet any temporary housing need.无论是单独出游的度假或是商旅人士;来自当地还是世界各地,奥克伍德都能提供多种、便利的客户方案以满足任何临时居住的需求。

6.August might catch your attention, if it did not already, yet remain flexible, use common sense while being vigilant.八月可能会引起你的注意,如果没有,但保持灵活性,使用常识,同时。

7.Preferred method for small pieces storage. Flexible, convenient to assembpng and knocking down. Easy to adjust and relocate.小件货物存放的最佳方式,具有拆装灵活方便,高度调节自由的优点。

8.She was a very pretty figure of a girl, after our fashion of girls, round and spm and flexible, and her face was admirably regular.她是个身材非常漂亮的女孩,追寻时尚,圆润丰满苗条柔顺脸蛋端庄匀称。

9.You've got to act, and you've got to say: "I don't actually have everything I could want right now, and I've got to be somewhat flexible" .你必须要行动,你必须对自己说:,我现在得不到,需要的所有信息,但我必须要灵活一点。

10.He said the Japanese Self-Defense Forces to be "mobile, flexible and responsive" - that is good at the skills of Marines.他说,日本自卫队必须“机动、灵活、反应迅速”——这是海军陆战队擅长的技能。