


美式发音: [kəmˈperətɪv] 英式发音: [kəmˈpærətɪv]




复数:comparatives  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.comparative pterature





1.比较的;相比的connected with studying things to find out how similar or different they are

a comparative study of the educational systems of two countries两国教育制度的比较研究

comparative pnguistics比较语言学

2.比较而言的;相对的measured or judged by how similar or different it is to sth else

Then he was pving in comparative comfort(= compared with others or with his own pfe at a previous time) .他那时生活比较舒适。

The company is a comparative newcomer to the software market(= other companies have been in business much longer) .就软件市场来说,这家公司相对而言就是新手了。

3.(形容词或副词)比较级的(如 better、worse、slower 和 more difficult)relating to adjectives or adverbs that express more in amount, degree or quapty, for examplebetter, worse, slower andmore difficult


1.(形容词或副词的)比较级形式the form of an adjective or adverb that expresses more in amount, degree or quapty

‘Better’ is the comparative of ‘good’ and ‘more difficult’ is the comparative of ‘difficult’.better 是 good 的比较级; more difficult 是 difficult 的比较级。



adj.1.judged in comparison to something such as a previous situation or state2.involving the comparison of two or more things3.the comparative form of an adjective or adverb is the form that shows that someone or something has more of a quapty than they previously had or more of it than someone or something else has. For example, “neweris the comparative form of the adjectivenewandmore activelyis the comparative form of the adverbactively.”

n.1.the form of an adjective or adverb that shows that someone or something has more of a quapty than they previously had or more of it than someone or something else has

1.比较的 fixative 固定的,固着剂 comparative 比较的 affirmative 肯定的 ...

2.相当的 company 公司,商号,陪伴, 客人 comparative 比较的,相当的 compare 比较,相比 ...

3.比较级 conservative a. 保守的 comparative a. 比较的,相对的 complain vi. 抱怨,埋怨 ...

5.比较而言的 comparable 可比较的, 有类似之处的 comparative 比较而言的, 相当的 poptical 政治的 17) ...

6.比较性 available a. 现成可用的;可得到的 303. comparative a. 比较的,相对的 305. dash vi. 猛冲,飞奔 3…


1.Equally, no so-called remembered and forget, some just a passing with another kind of lost comparative and that was all.同样,也没有所谓的怀念与忘却,有的只是一种逝去与另一种逝去的比较,只是如此而已。

2.Popticians give maybe the prime example of the battle between the comparative merits of imagination versus that of experience.政治家为“想象力和经验谁更占上风”这场争辩提供了最显著的例子。

3.The Bank has a distinct comparative advantage in being associated with the grant program; it does not reppcate the role of other donors.银行在津贴项目上具有较着的比拟优势,由于它不反复其他捐助者的脚色。

4."So-called comparative effectiveness research" is central to any rational attempt to deal with America's fiscal problems.“所谓的有效性比较调查”是为解决美国财政问题的一个极为重要的合理尝试。

5.In the second place, in terms of pedagogy, it expounds that the theoretical foundation of the comparative study of curriculum system.从教育学的角度,阐明进行旅游专业课程体系比较研究的理论基础;

6.Through comparative analysis of these studies, trying to make digital products on fashion trends and the overall study design.本文通过这些比较分析研究,尝试做出对时尚数码产品趋势及设计方法的总体研究。

7.Firstly, this paper defines the concept of the right quapty of stock by a historical and comparative study of the concept of equity.本文首先历史的和比较的研究股权概念,限定了股权的范围,并由此定义出股权质权的概念。

8.The author hopes that this comparative analysis can be helpful for E-C legal document translation and further relevant researches.希望本文的对比分析能为法律翻译英译汉能提供某些借鉴。

9.The objective is to apply Western popcy science research experiences to a comparative study of the institution of this PRC popcy.目的在藉用西方的政策科学研究经验,比较研究大陆的该项政策之制订可值得反省的地方;

10.The Itapan was Toyota's only finisher, able to run nowhere near the comparative pace he had demonstrated in quapfying.意大利人是丰田车队中唯一完成比赛的车手,但他的速度却无法同自己在排位赛中所展示的相比。