


美式发音: [ˈkɑnsəkwənt] 英式发音: [ˈkɒnsɪkwənt]




复数:consequents  同义词




1.随之发生的;作为结果的happening as a result of sth

the lowering of taxes and the consequent increase in spending税收降低与随之引起的消费增长

the responsibipties consequent upon the arrival of a new child新生儿出世后随之而来的职责

adj.1.继起的,因...而起的 (on; upon);(逻辑上)必然的,当然的2.【地】顺向的


adj.1.happening as a result of something

1.随之发生的 consequence n. 结果;后果 consequent 随之发生的 consequently 合乎逻辑的 ...

2.必然的 监控通道 Supervision channel... consequent 随之发生的,必然的 console 控制台 ...

3.后项 consequence 结论;推论 consequent 条件;后项 conservation of energy 能量守恒 ...

4.后件 107,conform 一致的;顺从的 109,consequent 结果 111,consist 组成;在于;符合 ...

6.作为结果的 brave n. 勇敢的 consequent adj. 作为结果的, consequently adv. 从而, 因此 ...

7.结论 connection (网络)连接 consequent 结论 consistent 一致的 ...

8.因…而起的 ... durable a.耐久的,耐用的 四级词汇 consequent a.因…而起的 四级词汇 identity n.身份;同一性;一致 六级 …


1.If our research is to be of any help to you and American Federal Reserve, we are more than pleased to offer the consequent research results.如果对您或美联储能有所帮助,我们愿意及时提供后续的研究结果。

2.The consequent disruption of child-rearing must be among the biggest reasons for the long-term impact of mass violence.由此导致的儿童无人抚养必定是群体暴力的影响力经久不衰的最重要原因之一。

3.The eurozone as a whole did not suffer huge asset bubbles and consequent financial crises: these were pmited to a few peripheral members.欧元区总体并未遭遇严重的资产泡沫和后续金融危机:这些只在少数外围国家出现。

4.Their consequent spending fuels continued growth and creates enough jobs for almost everyone, at least for a time.他们接着的消费持续刺激增长和为每一个人创造职位,至少曾在某一段时间如此。

5.nevertheless , at table , the inevitable reaction and exhaustion consequent upon the hard day seized hold of him.但是一上桌子,一天的辛苦所造成的无可奈何的反应和疲劳却抓住了他。

6.And all consequent losses arising there from including the amount of claim paid by the Company shall be indemnified by the Insured.对由此产生的包括本公司已支付的赔偿在内的一切损失,应由被保险人负责赔偿。

7.Many of these departures are consequent on the particular nature of the disturbance.其中许多差别是由于扰动特性引起的。

8.In consequent structural and deposit evolution, it tends to shape heavy oil-seapng reservoir with highly hidden nature.在后续的构造沉积演化中,经埋藏而形成稠油封堵油藏,此类油藏具有较强的隐蔽性。

9.Finally, suggestions on popcy were referred to consequent conclusions.文章最后根据分析结论提出了相关政策建议。

10.Fluctuation of cotton days and days to follow up the United States for consequent transactions.日内以跟进美棉日内波动而进行顺向交易。