



美式发音: [ˈhæmˌbɜrɡər] 英式发音: [ˈhæmˌbɜː(r)ɡə(r)]






n.1.a food made by pressing small pieces of beef into a flat round shape and cooking it in oil. Hamburgers are usually eaten in a bread bun and are often called burgers2.the round cake of minced beef put in the bread bun

1.汉堡包 马里兰蟹饼 Maryland Crab Cakes 汉堡包 Hamburgers 长岛冰茶 Long Island Iced Tea ...

2.两个汉堡 ... 麦香鸡,热红茶 McChicken Sandwich,Hot Tea 两个汉堡,标准冷饮 Hamburgers,Regular Drink 麦香鱼 Filet-O-Fis…

3.我吃了汉堡和薯条 ... brown rice sushi 糙米寿司 The Best Recipe p. 218 Hamburgers 汉堡肉 Mar232012 american robin 美洲知更鸟 ...

6.烤牛肉饼还是炸的牛肉饼A 你喜欢烤牛肉饼还是炸的牛肉饼hamburgers)? B 你喜欢用不锈钢烤架上烤出来的牛肉饼还是把生牛肉饼放到煤气火 焰上 …


1.Unless hamburgers or hot dogs are cooked over a fire, picnic food is usually cold -- sandwiches, salads, potato chips, pickles.除了汉堡或热狗需要用火烹饪,野餐的食物通常都是冷的,如:三明治,色拉,马铃薯片,泡菜。

2.A dispute is alleged to have started after an order of food with a local pizza parlour arrived without the, no doubt, tasty hamburgers.据称争端起因于他们向当地一家披萨店点餐后,外卖送到时,其中明显缺了美味的汉堡。

3.On top of this, I began to see frightened, innocent cows, chickens, and pigs where I once had seen hamburgers, wings, and bacon.除此之外,我眼中开始从过去所吃的汉堡、鸡翅、与熏肉中,看得到惧怕与无依的牛、鸡与猪。

4.Rachel: Wait a minute! Not so fast! We'll be here for a few days. Let's see if we pke the hamburgers first!拉结:等一下!不要这麽快!我们要在这里好几天。让我们先看看我们是否喜欢汉堡!

5.One can measure the utipty of a movie ticket by asking how much of some other commodity (pke hamburgers)you are wilpng to give up for it.你可以通过询问为看场电影愿意放弃多少其他商品(如汉堡)来测量电影的效用。

6.Hamburgers should be an essential part of every economist's diet .汉堡包应该是每一个经济学家饮食的基本组成部分。

7.You may miss the hamburgers, but at least you'll get rid of that terrible hum.你可能会错过的汉堡包,但至少你摆脱这种可怕的嗡嗡声。

8.Sharon: I'm happy with my coffee and hamburgers. I don't have the energy to prepare salads and peel all that fruit.莎朗:我喜欢咖啡和汉堡。我没精力去准备沙拉和削水果皮。

9.After all, the USA was the land of (cooked) steak and fries; sandwiches and hamburgers were the norm for lunch.毕竟,美利坚合众国是(熟)牛排和炸薯条的国度,三明治和汉堡才是标准的午餐。

10.Free flow of soft drinks, beer and house wine, We have mini hamburgers , fried chicken wings and various of desserts. . . for your choice.饮料,啤酒以及店酒免费无限畅饮。迷你自助餐有迷你汉堡,炸鸡翅还有各式精美甜点等,任您选择。