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网络释义:猪流行性腹泻(Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea);承压设备指令(Pressure Equipment Directive);欧盟承压设备指令





1.猪流行性腹泻(Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea) BV( 法国船级社)认证 PED欧盟承压设备指令)认证 ABS( 美国船级社)认证 ...

4.色素上皮脱离(pigment epithepum detachment) pede→ 把脚放进去→妨碍) =ped ]+ ped=child,education, 表示“儿童”,引申为“教育”" ...

6.PIN Entry Device3300和Dione Xtreme两种口令输入设备PED (PIN Entry Device),尽管这两款终端都已经通过了VISA的PED评估。


1.The opposition leader who drop ped out of the race called it a useless exercise.退出选举的反对党领导人说这次选举无效。

2.His mother yap ped at him for staying away so long.他母亲因为他离开她太久而对他吵嚷起来。

3.Pope Benedict swap ped out his gold - coloured robes for a long - white apron .罗马教皇本尼迪克特用长的白围裙代替他的金色长袍。

4.This bear pop ped into a subway sandwich shop in Canada for a sniff but it's soon left hungry.在加拿大,一头熊闻到了香味之后急匆匆的走进一家地铁站三明治店,但它马上就饿了。

5.This favors root growth of crops, enhances standing power, and reduces surface runoffs so that the surface ped avoid being destroyed.这有利于作物根系生长,增强抗倒伏能力,并可以减少地表径流使表土土壤结构体免遭破坏。

6.A brief introduction of the general procedure and specific requirement for boiler in the PED Directive is state in the article.本文简要介绍了锅炉的PED认证的一般程序和PED指令中对于锅炉的一些特殊要求。

7.Space shuttle Discovery's seven - member crew has wrap ped up an hours - long inspection to look for any signs of damage to its ship.“发现号”航天飞机的七名宇航员花费了大量的时间去全面检查机身受损情况。

8.PED's could be used to determine the incidence of taxes and the demand response to the increase prices.承压设备指令用于支配税收的影响范围和价格上涨的需求的反应。

9.Contract specific registers are created to control manufacturing documentation generated and issued by the Drawing office and PED.为对制图室和生产工程部编发的生产文件进行控制,特编制了合同专用登记薄。

10.As he was reading , a car key with a tag ped from the back of the Bible.在他看,车钥匙,用天线从圣经的背面的标记。