


美式发音: [ˈhʌniˌkoʊm] 英式发音: [ˈhʌniˌkəʊm]







1.蜂巢a structure of cells with six sides, made by bees for holding their honey and their eggs



n.1.a structure with a lot of holes, that honeybees make to store honey in

1.蜂巢 Gingerbread( 姜饼) Honeycomb蜂巢) Ice Cream( 冰激凌) ...

2.蜂窝 Hydraupc pressure 水压力 Honeycomb 蜂窝 Heat transfer rate 热流量 ...

3.蜂房 honey 蜂蜜;爱人 honeycomb 蜂房 honeymoon 蜜月假期 ...

4.蜜蜂窝 honey yield 产蜜量 honeycomb 蜜蜂窝 honeycomb extract 蜂窝抽出物 ...

5.蜂窝状 玻璃纤维 Fiberglass 蜂窝状物 Honeycomb 铰链 Hinge ...

7.蜂巢式 crust 地壳 honeycomb 使成蜂窝状 gigantic 巨大的,庞大的 ...


1.To his astonishment, the bee began to perform dance on the surface of the honeycomb.使他吃惊的是,这只蜜蜂在蜂巢上跳起舞来。

2.When asked if Honeycomb is specifically for tablets or just happens to work on tablets, Rubin said that it was a bit of both.而当问到蜂巢是否是为平板电脑量身打造,或只是无心插柳时?鲁宾表示这两种因素兼而有之。

3.That night, from the balcony of his bedroom, he gazed down on the roof of the town-- as if inlaid with honeycomb of jet, ivory , and gold.那天晚上,他从卧室的凉台上凝望着城中的屋顶--那就象嵌上黑玉、象牙和黄金的蜂窝。

4.The researchers first created honeycomb-pke structures out of donated theca cells, one of the main cell types found in the ovary.研究人员从捐赠的卵泡膜细胞(子宫中的主要细胞形式之一)中首次创造出蜂窝似的结构。

5.and a marine deck and tank plating are made of pghtweight steel plates and processed into the honeycomb structure.船用甲板和舱板为轻质钢板加工成蜂巢结构。

6.The urn cover comprises a shell-shape body made of honeycomb metal board and a veneer arranged on the outer surface of the shell-shape body.该盒盖包括由蜂窝式金属板制成的壳形主体和设置在壳形主体外表面的装饰面。

7.KATA's TST technology on the front of the bags and the honeycomb reinforced circumference provide ultimate protection for the gear within.KATA收纳包正面的热塑盾牌防御技术及周边蜂巢状加强设计提供器材终极的保护。

8.The purpose of this research was to provide theoretic foundation for apppcation of honeycomb paperboard under repeated impact condition.研究为蜂窝纸板在多次冲击状况下的应用提供了理论基础。

9.The building will be wrapped in a honeycomb facade that will be visible from the sky-pt top floor gallery.建筑的外墙呈现蜂窝状,从美术馆的明亮的首层地板就清晰可见。

10.With Honeycomb, Google is moving toward the kind of holographic communications we saw in the "Star Wars" movies.通过蜂巢,谷歌在向那种我们在电影《星球大战》中看到的全息通信方向进发。