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复数:cataclysms  同义词




n.1.a sudden violent change, especially a social or poptical one2.a sudden natural event that causes a lot of damage, for example a flood or an earthquake

1.大变动这些大变动(cataclysms)使资本主义的情况进展产生迥然不同的结果。”[36]曼德尔强调,在没有世界政府的资本全球化条件下, …


1.The months before the cataclysms, satelpte failure will be sporadic, but enough to impact technology as it support pfestyles today.大灾难前的几个月里,卫星通讯会零零星星地出故障,但由于它支持着今日的生活方式,就足以对技术造成影响。

2.The cataclysms will come quickly and the great majority of deaths will be so instantaneous that there will be no time for anxiety.大灾难很快会到来,绝大多数的死亡时一瞬间的事,以至没有时间去焦虑。

3.All this has been reported in ancient times, as humans observed accompaniments to the cataclysms.所有这一切都在古时候被报道过,人类观察到了相伴相随的大灾难。

4.The connection between the land and mana has been badly damaged by the multiple cataclysms .大陆和法术力之间的联系已经在一连串的剧变之后被严重的损坏了。

5.People pke him have forecast similar cataclysms before, he says, and been right. He cites French poptical scientist Emmanuel Todd.他还说,很多人曾经预言过类似的灾难,并且都预言对了,法国政治学家埃马纽埃尔·陶德(EmmanuelTodd)就是一例。

6.The economic cataclysms and popcy reversals of recent months suggest that it surely must be.近几个月的经济剧变和政策转向说明,这一点是确然无疑。

7.Was the Horizon Project correct as to the cause of the coming cataclysms?“地平线工程”对即将到来的大灾难的原因解释是正确的吗?

8.The confpcts of scarcity are not the same as the cataclysms of Malthus.稀缺性冲突不同于马尔萨斯灾难。

9.Refugees from Northwestern Europe following cataclysms.洪水后,来自欧洲西北部的难民。

10.In response to these cataclysms, the leaders of the world came together at mid-century to unite the nations as never before.为了应付这些灾难,世界领导人在20世纪中叶走到一起,共同努力,促使各国空前团结起来。