


美式发音: [ˈɡrɛsfəlɪ] 英式发音: ['ɡreɪsfəlɪ]








1.优美地 comppment n. 赞美(话) gracefully ad. 大大方方地;优美地 graceful a. 优美的 ...

2.优雅地 interpersonal skills 交往能力 gracefully 优雅地,斯文地 disgruntle 使不高兴 ...

3.温文地 graceful 优美的 gracefully 温文地 graceless 粗俗的 ...

4.得体地 Godspeed n. 祝幸运, 祝万事如意 gracefully ad. 得体地 graciousness n. 亲切, 殷勤 ...

5.大大方方地 comppment n. 赞美(话) gracefully ad. 大大方方地;优美地 graceful a. 优美的 ...

6.优雅的 漫步 stroll along,walk,saunter,ramble 优雅的 Gracefully,elegantly 决定 Judge,decide ...

7.雅致地 ... untouched;undamaged 完整无损的 beautifully;gracefully 优美地 ; 雅致地 within a cover 捆; 绑;装订(书) ...


1.We are often used to see Hollywood starlets posing gracefully in magazines, appearing in feminine, glamorous pictorials.过去我们常常看到,好莱坞大腕们摆着优雅的姿势,妩媚地出现在各种杂志上。

2.Then the King leaned gracefully down from his saddle, and struck Patroclus with his jeweled sword and knighted him on the spot.于是国王从马鞍上优雅地倾下身子,用镶着宝石的剑轻触普特洛克勒斯,当场给他封了爵士。

3.As if it was gently holding my hand, my inner guidance gracefully led me to a place of inner serenity and clarity.就像是被我的手轻轻的抓住,我内心的向导将我带到一个平和和清晰的地方。

4.But, as "Leader of the Nation" , everything is now in place to allow him to retire gracefully without fully handing over the reins.但是,一切都已安排妥当,作为“民族领袖”,他可以优雅地退位,而不用把权力全部交出。

5.He kissed my forehead again before he shut the door on me. Then he turned his back and loped gracefully toward his car.他亲吻我的前额并替我关上车门。接着,他转身优雅地向自己车跑去。

6.You did this so you could more gracefully deal with the case where you were deleting the last Item.这样做的目的是为了更优雅地处理删除最后一个项目时的情况。

7.The dark Ones are clearly in retreat, but do not go gracefully and would rather have their last attempts to create chaos.黑暗势力很明显在撤退,但是不是优雅的离开,而是用他们最后的企图制造混乱。

8.When all else fails, you need a way to gracefully get out of a conversation with a difficult or unreasonable customer.当所有努力都宣告失败,你需要找到一个完美的收场方式,结束与一位难打交道或无理的客户的谈话。

9.The general idea is to move quickly and gracefully, treating whatever objects you come across as elements in an obstacle course.这项运动的理念是迅速而优雅地、从一处到另一处的移动,将你遇到的所有物体都当成障碍课中的元素。

10.If it were me, I'd tell her to age gracefully.要是我就请她平静地老去