


美式发音: [ˈkaʊntərəˌtæk] 英式发音: [ˈkaʊnt(ə)rəˌtæk]




复数:counterattacks  现在分词:counterattacking  过去式:counterattacked  同义词





n.1.an attack made in response to an attack by an enemy or opponent2.an attack against someone who has just attacked you in a war, game, or argument

v.1.to attack someone who has just attacked you in a war, game, or argument

1.反击 countermarch 反方向行进 counterattack 反攻,反击 countercharge 反控,反告 ...

2.反攻 countermarch 反方向行进 counterattack 反攻,反击 countercharge 反控,反告 ...

3.防守反击 防洪工程 flood-prevention project 防守反击(足球用语) counterattack 防伪标志 anti-fake label ...

4.逆袭 新疆切糕 Xinjiang nut cakes 逆袭 counterattack 走你! Off you go ! ...

5.还击 还击 : fight back 还击counterattack 反还击 : Contre riposte ...

6.回击 ... 回儿 time 回击 counterattack 回到 returning ...

7.反攻,反击 ... counter- 反对,相反 counterattack 反攻,反击 50) de- 1. 否定,非,相反 ...

8.反冲击 counterair 夺取空中优势 counterattack 反击,反冲击,反突击 counterbattery fire 反炮兵火力 ...


1.Zhukov, seeing that the Japanese were attacking the bridgehead, decided to counterattack by flanking the enemy.朱可夫在观察到日本人在进攻苏军的桥头堡后,决定对日军的侧翼发动反击。

2.In a counterattack, the suspects, "probably as an act of revenge, " carried out a cyber attack against the Canadian firm investigating them.声明称,在一次反击中,嫌犯“大概是出于报复”,发起了针对调查他们的加拿大公司的网络攻击。

3.For those who hate you, The best counterattack is : Keep smipng and glory, They are the most don't want to see that you.对于那些讨厌你的人最好的反击是,保持微笑和光芒四射,他们最不希望看到这样的你。

4.But were a North Korean invasion to occur today, they would pkely be overrun or forced to withdraw before being able to counterattack.但是,如果朝鲜现在就发动进攻的话,他们却有可能被击溃或者是在有能力反击以前被迫先行撤退。

5.In a counterattack against its lower-priced fast-food rivals, Starbucks Corp. plans to roll out a second coffee brand.了回击快餐业竞争对手的低价竞争,星巴克公司(StarbucksCo.)计划拓展其第二个咖啡品牌。

6.Counterattack the enemy for 20 damage. Can only be performed after you dodge.在躲避对手攻击后施放,反击对手造成20点伤害。

7.All through the day and far into the next Hitler waited impatiently for the news of Steiner's counterattack.发命令那天的整整一天和第二天大半天,希特勒一直都在焦急地等待施坦因纳的反攻消息。

8.Counterattack: when the enemy attacked over can easily to avoid the enemy's attack, and piercing front all enemies.反击:当敌人攻击过来时能够轻松躲过敌人的攻击,并刺穿前面所有敌人。

9.Paloschi's dynamism troubled the Atalanta defence, but with a classic counterattack Atalanta came close to scoring a third goal.帕洛斯基的活力给亚特兰大的防线制造了麻烦,但是亚特兰大经典的反击几乎打进第三球。

10.Remove from banda Fast: With the quick kick banda can grab your opponents out of position and launch an effective counterattack.删除从班快速:随着快速球班可以抓住你的对手的立场,并推出有效的反击。