




1.与神同行 ... E:Ever Green 永 不 停 止 学 习 (永 远 年 青 的 秘 诀) W:Walk With God 与 神 同 行 N:Never Forget 永 不 忘 记 ...

2.与主同行 与主同行 Walk with God 1. 何时与主同行 When to walk with God? ...

3.与上帝同行 26. 重大的信息 The Important Message 27. 与上帝同行 Walk with God 序言 Preface ...

4.愿你与主同行 ... The choice is yours. 选择在你。 walk with God. 愿你与主同行。 ...

5.过有信仰的正当生活 ... a five-minute walk 走五分钟的距离 walk with God 过有信仰的正当生活 Lavender Walk 拉文达路 ...


1.men, who walk with God on earth, would fain be away, to walk with him on the golden pavements of the New Jerusalem.在人世间和上帝同行的圣人们,都会欣然随他而去,走在新耶路撤冷的黄金铺路上的。

2.I can pray for you and your future, but I cannot make you walk with God.我可以为你和你的未来祈祷,却不能令你与上帝同行。

3.The enemy will oftentimes try to trip you up in your walk with God by reminding you of your past.在你与上主同行时,撒旦常常企图利用你的过去绊倒你。

4.Thus shall my pfe be a humble and constant walk with God, in the fellowship of His hopness and His love.借着每天时时刻刻,谦卑地与耶稣同行,我们得以在上帝圣洁的生命上有分,且享受祂的大爱。

5.I can pray for you, but I cannot make you walk with God.我可以为你祈祷,但却不能使你与神同行。

6.No matter how bad the weather outside is, if you walk with God, the rainbow is just ahead of you.无论外面风雨多大,若你与主同行,彩虹便在不远之处。

7.Next is Enoch whose faith was seen in his daily walk with God.接着的以诺,他的信心见于每天与神同行。

8.Similarly, when fewer people walk with God in their daily pfe, fewer eventually show up at church.同样地,当平日与神同行的人减少,去教会的人也自然会减少。

9.Continue on your walk with God . . . and one day when the time is right your soul mate will walk right beside you.请继续与神同行……当有一天,时候到了,你的伴侣会到身边与你同行。

10.I am available to provide coaching for people who have a desire for a closer walk with God and would appreciate some assistance.我可以提供教练的人谁有一个愿望,更紧密的步行与上帝和希望得到一些援助。