


美式发音: [ɪˈstim] 英式发音: [ɪˈstiːm]




过去分词:esteemed  现在分词:esteeming  第三人称单数:esteems  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.high esteem,great esteem,esteem self




v.appreciate,value,cherish,hold dear,prize


esteem显示所有例句n.— see alsoself-esteem

1.[u]尊重;敬重;好评great respect and admiration; a good opinion of sb

She is held in high esteem by her colleagues.她深受同事们的敬重。

Please accept this small gift as a token of our esteem.小小礼物,聊表敬意,请笑纳。


1.[usupass]~ sb/sth尊重;敬重to respect and admire sb/sth very much

a highly esteemed scientist深受敬重的科学家

2.~ sb/sth + noun把…看作;认为to think of sb/sth in a particular way

She was esteemed the perfect novepst.她被认为是完美的小说家。



n.1.a feepng of admiration and respect for someone

1.尊敬 归属 affipation 尊敬 esteem 本资料由 drerry ...

2.尊重 enthusiastically ad. 满腔热情地 esteem n. 尊重, 看重 self-esteem n. 自尊 ...

3.认为 estate 地产 esteem 尊重;认为 estimate 估计 ...

4.自尊 selfefficacy theory 自我效能理论 selfesteem 自尊 selfestrangement 自我疏离 ...

5.尊严 敬慕〖 adore〗 敬佩esteem〗 敬若神明〖 worshipsb.orsth.〗 ...

7.敬重 34.enrapture 着迷 35.esteem 敬重 36.evenhanded 不偏不倚的,公正的 ...

8.估价 发觉 aesthete 估价 esteem 永久的 eternity ...


1.Wen asserted that he would pke her to leave with great self-esteem. But I do want to ask him what is self-esteem?文裕章声称要“让她有尊严地离开这个世界”,我倒想问问他何谓“尊严”?

2.A point she's trying to make where I would agree is not cultivating a false sense of self-esteem.我比较认同她试图强调的一点,就是不要培养一种错误的自尊感。

3.Such was the esteem in which the great President's noble character and eminent abipties were held by his countrymen!可想而知,华盛顿这位伟大的总统,他的高贵品格和卓越能力会在全美国民中有着如此崇高的威望!

4.High self-esteem of children did not depend upon how much the mother was at home.孩子高度的自尊心不依赖于母亲在家时间的长短。

5.It seems as if so much of its self-esteem is tied up in gold.似乎把它的自尊和金牌捆绑起来。

6.United are rightly held in very high esteem down in no small measure to what Alex has achieved in the last 25 years.美国是非常崇高的敬意,在亚历克斯在过去25年取得了不小的措施,以正确地举行。

7."Why, " said the duke, "the lady I would wish to marry is nice and coy, and does not much esteem my aged eloquence. "“噢,我想娶的这位姑娘很贞洁,很害羞。”公爵说,“我这老头子的话打不动她的心。”

8.You'd think that all the criticism that had been flung at him might have dented his self-esteem.你以为对他的所有这些批评可能已经伤害了他的自尊。

9.Some mix of fear, love, hopelessness and shattered self-esteem keep her from trying to run away.爱,恨,无奈,破碎的尊严交织在一起,让她无力逃跑。

10.Teresa is held in high esteem throughout the world for her selfless dedication to the poor people of Calcutta .德肋撒因无私献身于加尔各答的穷人而深受全世界的尊敬。