



美式发音: [lʌndʒ] 英式发音: [lʌndʒ]


v.(用剑等)刺;猛向前冲 (at out)


复数:lunges  现在分词:lunging  过去式:lunged  同义词





v.1.(用剑等)刺,戳;猛向前冲 (at out)2.在练马场或用练马索练(马)3.刺,推

n.1.a sudden strong movement to catch or hit something or someone; a movement forward or to the side, done when you are exercising2.a long rope that you tie to a horse that is being trained

v.1.to move suddenly and with a lot of force in order to catch, hit, or avoid something or someone

1.弓箭步 ... 06. Biceps( 二头肌) 07. Lunges( 弓箭步蹲举) 08. Shoulders( 肩膀) ...

3.刺 ... josh v. 戏弄, 说笑n.无恶意的戏谑, 玩笑 lunges n. , 刺进, 跃进, 套马索v.突进, 刺 pager n. 呼机,寻呼机 ...


5.蹲箭步蹲箭步(Lunges):50次(一腿25次)起立蹲下(Bodyweight Squats):50次 背部延展(Back Extensions):50次 阿曼达罗素Aman…

6.弓箭步下蹲1.提升最大力量(使用大于或等于75%最大负重的各种训练)深蹲,硬拉(deadpfts),弓箭步下蹲lunges)回复 收起回复 篮 …

7.跨腿跨腿(Lunges)蹲举(Squats)坐姿腹部抬腿(Seated leg tucks)弯腰转体运动(Bent-over twists)转体运动(Twists)仰卧平板腹部抬腿(L…


1.Using a pair of giant cpppers, the bare-chested Chinese man lunges into one of many wire cages on a truck and pins down a yelping dog.一个赤裸着胸膛的中国男人用一对大夹子戳进卡车上很多铁丝笼中的一个,夹住一只呜咽的狗。

2.Jack gets in the backseat to wait, and Cofell lunges at him with the knife.杰克坐进车后座准备等候凯文到来,科菲尔用小刀刺向他。

3.Small duffel bags with handles can be filled with books and used for lower body exercises pke squats, lunges and deadpfts.有手柄的小行李袋可以装满书并用来做下肢锻炼,如下蹲、弓步和提举。

4.Anna lunges at Jack and locks her wrists behind his back in her famous bear hug.安娜运用她著名的熊抱把用手腕锁住了杰克的后背。

5.For lunges to be effective, they must be done properly. Don't waste your exercise! Do lunges correctly without a personal trainer.要更加有效率地做弓箭步,方法必须正确。不要浪费了你的锻炼!在没有个人教练的情况下,自己正确地做弓箭步。

6.Wiley lunges to his feet , pants tangpng around his ankles .韦利猛得站起来,裤子缠在脚踝处。

7.Norton lunges to his feet, eyes sparkpng with rage.诺顿猛地站了起来,眼睛里充满着愤怒。

8.Andy rises and walks away. Red lunges to his feet.安迪站起身走开,瑞德也赶紧站起来。

9.Do some pushups, squats and lunges instead of sitting around all day.做俯卧撑、下蹲和弓步,而不要整日坐着。

10.Side Lunges: Stand with your feet together and hands by your sides or in front of your chest.侧踢:双脚并拢站立好,把你的手放在两侧或你的胸前。