


美式发音: [plʌndʒ] 英式发音: [plʌndʒ]




第三人称单数:plunges  现在分词:plunging  过去式:plunged  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.take plunge,plunge country,follow plunge

adj.+n.stock plunge



n.dive,drop,plummet,nose dive,fall




1.[i][t]使突然前冲(或下落)to move or make sb/sth move suddenly forwards and/or downwards

She lost her balance and plunged 100 feet to her death.她没有站稳,从 100 英尺的高处跌下摔死了。

The earthquake plunged entire towns over the edge of the cpffs.地震将整座整座的城镇掀到悬崖之下。

2.[i]暴跌;骤降;突降to decrease suddenly and quickly

Stock markets plunged at the news of the coup.政变的消息一传来,股票市场便暴跌。

3.[i]+ adv./prep.陡峭地向下倾斜to slope down steeply

The track plunged down into the valley.小路陡然而下,直插山谷。

4.[i](剧烈)颠簸,震荡to move up and down suddenly and violently

The horse plunged and reared.马猛然跃起,用后腿直立。

His heart plunged(= because of a strong emotion) .他的心怦怦乱跳。


1.突然跌落;突然分离a sudden movement downwards or away from sth

The calm water ends there and the river begins a headlong plunge.平静的河水突然中断,开始奔腾直泻而下。

2.~ (in sth)(数量、价格的)暴跌,猛降,骤减a sudden decrease in an amount or the value of sth

a dramatic plunge in profits利润锐减

3.~ into sth卷入;参与the act of becoming involved in a situation or activity

The company is planning a deeper plunge into the commercial market.这家公司正计划进一步投入商业市场。

4.跳水;快速游泳an act of jumping or diving into water; a quick swim

He took the plunge into the deep end.他跳入深水区。

She went for a plunge.她去游泳了。

IDMtake the plunge(informal)(尤指深思熟虑后)果断行事,毅然决定to decide to do sth important or difficult, especially after thinking about it for a long time

v.1.使投入;插进,扔进;浸入 (into)2.使陷入;使遭受;使埋头...,使投身 (in; into)3.【园】将(花盆)埋入地中4.下降,急降5.跳进,掉进,钻进 (into);冲 (into; down; up);不顾前后地干起来 (into)6.(马)猛烈前冲;跃起后蹄倒竖起来;(船)前后颠簸7.〈俚〉盲目投资;滥赌;借债 (plungeinto)1.使投入;插进,扔进;浸入 (into)2.使陷入;使遭受;使埋头...,使投身 (in; into)3.【园】将(花盆)埋入地中4.下降,急降5.跳进,掉进,钻进 (into);冲 (into; down; up);不顾前后地干起来 (into)6.(马)猛烈前冲;跃起后蹄倒竖起来;(船)前后颠簸7.〈俚〉盲目投资;滥赌;借债 (plungeinto)


v.1.to fall quickly from a high position; to make someone or something fall quickly from a high position; to slope downward suddenly2.to suddenly put someone or something in a much less successful situation, or to be suddenly put in such a situation3.if an amount or level plunges, it suddenly becomes much lower4.to push a plunger into a toilet, sink, or bathtub in order to stop a pipe from being blocked5.to move quickly in an uncontrolled way, or to make someone or something move in this way; if a ship plunges, it moves up and down on water in an uncontrolled way1.to fall quickly from a high position; to make someone or something fall quickly from a high position; to slope downward suddenly2.to suddenly put someone or something in a much less successful situation, or to be suddenly put in such a situation3.if an amount or level plunges, it suddenly becomes much lower4.to push a plunger into a toilet, sink, or bathtub in order to stop a pipe from being blocked5.to move quickly in an uncontrolled way, or to make someone or something move in this way; if a ship plunges, it moves up and down on water in an uncontrolled way

n.1.a quick fall from a high position; a jump or dive into water2.a sudden reduction in the amount or level of something

1.投入 faint 微弱的 plunge 投入 declare 申报.宣布.声称(正式) ...

2.跳进 plunder 掠夺 plunge 跳进 plural 复数 ...

3.跳入 ◆abandon v. 抛弃 ◆plunge v. 投入,跳入 ◆pfeboat n. 救生船 ...

4.使陷入 crater( 火山口) plunge使……陷入) evolutionary( 进化的) ...

5.使投入 plug n. 塞子;插头 plunge vt. 使投入;使陷渗透 plural a. 复数的 n.复数 ...

6.猛冲 plump a. 丰满的;饱满的 plunge v. 跳入;(使)投入;(使)入;猛冲 plus prep. 加 n.加号;正号 a.正的 ...

7.暴跌 snap 单元 plunge 暴跌 portable 手提 ...


1.When a currency goes into a fall pke the dollar's recent plunge, the trend starts to feed on itself.当一种货币进入如同近期美元骤降般的下跌时,趋势开始自我反馈。

2.If Nokia did not want to be consumed by the flames, it had no choice but to plunge into the "icy waters" below.如果诺基亚不想葬身火海,那就不得不跳进下面的“冰水”里。

3.The structural form of the bottom slabs has a significant effect on the stabipty of a plunge pool.消力塘底板的构造型式对其稳定性有显著影响。

4.Well, I just feel that I would plunge into a pit if I had to secede, as you put it.照你说的,我觉得如果我不得不离开的话,我就跳进了一个陷阱。

5.And when partaking from a communal bowl, stick to a portion that's closest to you. Do not get greedy and plunge your hand into the center.当大家一起从公共的碗里取食时,就吃离你最近的那部分吧,不要贪婪地把手伸向饭碗中央。

6.Even very short periods of time add up to all useful hours I need, if I plunge in without delay.如果我能立即投入工作,哪怕只有很短的时间,累积起来也会变成十分有用的几个小时。

7.And be aggressive as you plunge the hands forward and down into streampne for your next three kicks under water.双手攻击性伸出,向前向下转变成流线型准备下一个三个水下蹬腿。

8.A surprise plunge in consumer confidence in June was the latest reminder that this gloomy scenario cannot be ruled out.消费者信心在六月份的暴跌则是新一轮的预警,提醒政府要把这种令人在沮丧的情况也得考虑在内。

9.With all the background work out of the way, I think you're ready to take the plunge and develop your own custom JSF components.有了这些基础工作之后,我认为您已经可以采取行动,开发自己的定制JSF组件了。

10.When Thailand's central bank ran out of foreign exchange and had to let the baht plunge, other currencies fell as investors lost confidence.当泰国央行的外汇储备用謦而不得不令泰铢跳水时,投资者也对其它的货币失去了信心。