


美式发音: [ˌkpəˈpætrə] 英式发音: [kpəˈpɑ:trə]





1.埃及艳后 Clark.J.G.D. 克拉克 Cleopatra 克娄巴特拉 Colani﹐M. 科拉尼 ...

5.克里奥佩特拉 叶卡捷琳娜( Catherine) 克里奥佩特拉Cleopatra) 麦瑟琳娜( Messapna) ...

6.埃及艳后克利奥帕特拉 ... 最佳剪辑:内威格《爱斯基摩》 Eskimo 最佳摄影:米尔诺《克娄帕特拉Cleopatra 最佳配乐:米克罗斯《媚惑 …


1.Might not Cleopatra's reign have unraveled too quickly for her to build such a secret tomb?克里欧佩特拉的统治会不会过于短暂,以至于未曾建造一个秘密陵墓?

2.Despite warnings from his wife and Cleopatra, he is confident of victory. However, he is stabbed to death by various senators.恺撒坚信自己会获胜,没有理会妻子和克娄巴特拉的警告,结果被一群元老院的成员刺死。

3.So, the young queen Cleopatra had a battle on her hand and fate had pulled a short straw for her.因此,年轻的女王克利奥帕特拉的手头上有一场战争,命运跟她做了个鬼脸。

4.Cleopatra could have put a few of her guards at my disposal! I have to do everything myself; I'm not Gilgamesh here!克里奥帕特拉应该给我几个她的守卫让我支配!我必须自己做一切的事情,我不是吉尔伽美什!

5.The team will create for her a 3D architectural model of the crime scene, Cleopatra's palace complex and the mausoleum where she died.此专家组将用3D构建一个犯罪场景的建筑模型:克利奥帕特拉的宫殿和她临终前所在的陵墓。

6.So Cleopatra had the Zodiac created to "inscribe for eternity" the moment of his death, or to be more precise, her own rise to power.于是埃及艳后克利奥帕特拉的星座-“铭刻永恒”他的死亡之时,或更准确地说,她获得了权利。

7.Brown then finds something that throws the case wide open. Plutarch actually acknowledges that he does not know exactly how Cleopatra died.接着Brown发现一些事情可以使此案初见端倪。Plutarch事实上承认他不能确切的知道克利奥帕特拉是如何死亡的。

8.Cleopatra VII, the last Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt, has always been a cultural figure, renowned for her alluring beauty.克娄巴特拉七世,古埃及的未世法老,一直是一个文化形象,因绝世美貌而闻名。

9.After Pompey was murdered, Cleopatra decided it was important to make friends with Caesar for her safety and that of her country.庞培被谋杀后,克娄巴特拉决定是重要的是要与凯撒的朋友,她的安全,而她的国家。

10.Cleopatra, the last queen of Egypt, might have indeed drunk a pearl cocktail in a gulp, an experimental study has concluded.最近一份研究表明,埃及最后一个女王克娄巴特拉可能真的将一杯珍贵的珍珠鸡尾酒一饮而尽。