




1.动画效果deo)-声音(Sounds)-文字(Text)-特效应用(Animation Effects)-图片(Digital Graphic)-互动控制(Interactive )


1.In this article, would pke to set out in the visual language, modepng, image design by the creation of animation effects.在本文中,主要想阐述的是在视觉语言当中,造型、形象设计对动画片创作所起的影响。

2.Move forward and backward through the presentation, watching the animation effects as they appear.向前和向后移动演示文稿,观看动画效果,他们所显示的对话框一样。

3.Dojo charting also now has animation effects for zoom in and out that will improve the user experience.Dojo制图现在也有可以改善用户体验的缩放动画效果。

4.Note The Document Inspector does not detect or remove off-spde objects with animation effects.注释“文档检查器”不检测或删除具有动画效果的幻灯片外对象。

5.Whether your movie interest is cartoons, crime, music, horror etc, you can create awesome animation effects using this software.无论是卡通、犯罪、音乐、恐怖等任何题材,你都可以使用该软件创建非常棒的动画效果。

6.Since this will be a self-guided presentation, it's best if the animation effects play automatically.由于这将是一个自动导向式演示文稿,因此最好自动播放动画效果。

7.Tooltip-pke widgets and other visual widgets might benefit from additional animation effects similar to fading.与工具提示相似的部件和其他可见部件可能受益于与淡化相似的附加动画效果。

8.Memory DCs in apppcations requiring animation effects.应用程序中需要动画效果的内存DC。

9.PowerPoint animation effects are also translated to Flash in your presentation.PowerPoint的动画效果,也转化为Flash在您的简报。

10.Logo flash website source code, with simple animation effects.网站logoflash源码,具有简单的动画效果。