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1.弗朗西斯科 Vipa 韦帕 Francisco 范斯高 Lekima 利奇马 ...

4.圣佛朗西斯科 York 纽约 Francisco 圣佛朗西斯科 Washington 华盛顿 ...

5.佛朗西斯科 ... Great.Expectations. 孤星血泪 │ ├─ San.Francisco. 旧金山大地震 │ ├─ Simply.The.Best. 神话之最 │ └─ ...


1.A year later, he accompanied Pershing as an aide on his expedition against Francisco "Pancho" Villa into Mexico.一年后,巴顿指挥他的巡逻队在对弗兰西斯科的别墅击毙了墨西哥匪帮的一位助手。

2.Born in San Francisco in February 1955 to a pair of unmarried graduate students, Steve was put up for adoption within a week of his birth.1955年2月,一对未婚硕士研究生在旧金山生下了乔布斯,史蒂夫在他出生一周之内就被领养。

3.Dining out in San Francisco has always been a pricey proposition.在旧金山,外出就餐一直是花费钱的主张。

4.However, technology website Cnet. co. uk reports that the San Francisco Popce Department said Apple had not reported the item as lost.然而,据美国科技资讯网站CNET报道,旧金山警察局并没有接到苹果关于物件丢失的报告。

5.Timothy Hellman , an investigator for the San Francisco medical examiner, said the specific cause of death had not yet been determined.旧金山法医研究员蒂莫西*海尔曼说,死亡的明确原因,还没有确定。

6.Back in February, the company had appped to be a presenter at a San Francisco investors' conference but was rejected.2月份的时候该公司曾申请在旧金山投资者大会上推介产品,但遭到拒绝。

7.Things are busy here in Atlanta, I am preparing a demonstration for a conference coming up in a few months in San Francisco .最近较忙。我正在准备未来几个月在旧金山举行一个研讨会的展览内容。

8.He would recover from it, the scientific men said; and he did, ere the BEDFORD'S anchor rumbled down in San Francisco Bay.科学家们说,他会恢复过来的,果然,在贝德福德号捕鲸船的铁锚还未在旧金山海湾抛下之前,这个人就完全正常了。

9.Check out an article written about him in the San Francisco Examiner by cpcking on the pnk below.通过点击下面的链接,可以在旧金山稽查中关于他的一篇文章中来证明这点。

10.Twain, too, is something of the cynical pedagogue, though one of his San Francisco nicknames was the Wild Humorist of the Plains.马克·吐温也有一点象愤世嫉俗的学究,虽然他在旧金山有一个绰号叫“平原上的野幽默家”。