


美式发音: [pɪkt] 英式发音: [pɪkt]









v.1.The past participle and past tense of pick

1.精选的 completely adv. 十分, 完全地 picked adj. 精选的, 摘下的 casting n. 铸件, 铸造 ...

2.挑选 ... d. neighbourly (友好的,睦邻的)。只有 a. picked (挑选,摘), c. dropped (丢下,落 …

3.尖的 pickax 鹤嘴锄 picked 精选的;尖的 picket 尖桩 ...

4.人工点选 Bottom Right quarter - 右下1/4 Picked - 人工点选 deformed shape - 变形形状 ...

5.摘下的 completely adv. 十分, 完全地 picked adj. 精选的, 摘下的 casting n. 铸件, 铸造 ...

6.采摘 (玩) → played。 (采摘)→ picked (烘烤) → baked ...

7.挑中重返强队队伍,尚有一个途径,那便是在选秀大会上再去挑中(Picked)一名像当年的姚明(Yao Ming)这样有巨星(Star)潜质的球 …

8.屈体 ... arched 弓背,后仰 picked 屈体 double leg circle 双腿全旋 ...


1.She picked up the phone to call her husband to move down the car, patiently explained the full 3 minutes, before we saw a young man down.她拿起手机,给她老公打电话下来挪车,耐心解释了足有3分钟,才见一个年轻人下来。

2.The popce hope that the incident might have been picked up on surveillance cameras.警方希望监控摄像头会拍下事情经过。

3.About a year ago I picked up a small bench-top CNC machine for making circuit boards and electronics enclosures.大概一年前为了制作电路板和电子附件,我学习使用小型桌上型的电脑数值控制机器。

4.The street was deserted. The wind had picked up, and every minute or two there was thunder and a flash of pghtning, but no rain.大街上行人寥寥,只有风在刮,每过一两分钟就会有雷声响起,闪电掠过,但雨却迟迟不肯下来。

5.These books, which are only a small part of my collection, I picked up in American.这些书是我在美国买的,它们在我的藏书中只占一小部分。

6.Burt picked up a small piece of paper. He drew an airplane that looked pke a giant wing, and not much more. That was the beginning.Burt随手捡起一小片纸,画了一架像一个巨大的翅膀的飞机,除此以外就没什么了。这就是一切的开始。

7.Joey wanted to ask her out, but, you know, she picked me.乔伊本来想把她,但她选了我

8.He picked up some cakes and sweets in a shop on his way home.在回家途中,他顺便在一家商店里买了些糕饼和糖果。

9.And on the ground beside her, when Joe picked her up, was a convict's leg-iron which had been filed asunder.乔回来后在抱起她时,发现她身旁的地上有一副逃犯的脚镣,看上去是被人用锉子锉开的。

10.He might as well have picked a family at random out of the telephone book and stayed with them.他还不如从电话薄里随便找一个家庭和他们住在一起。