




1.相会在北京 A thousand miles( 一千里) Meeting in Beijing( 相会在北京) Come together( 一起来吧) ...

2.相聚在北京 ... A thousand miles 千里行 Meeting in Beijing 相聚在北京 Come together 一起来 …

3.相约在北京 ... 同住地球村( We are Family!!!) 相约在北京( Meeting in Beijing) 我和你( You and me) ...

4.来会在北京 ... a thousand miles 额扫怎买哦思 meeting in beijing 米挺因北京 come together 卡木土该则而 ...


1.Envoys from the United States and North Korea are meeting in Beijing to finapse details of a food aid deal.来自美国和朝鲜的特使会聚北京,讨论粮食援助协议的细节问题。

2.At a meeting in Beijing I got to know her.某一次在北京的开会时,我认识了她。

3.But the Chinese premier did not announce any boost to the dollar 586 bilpon plan at a key poptical meeting in Beijing Thursday .但是中国总理没对586十亿美元计划在北京一次关键的政治会议上宣布任何提高(在)星期四。

4.The breakthrough came at a secretly arranged meeting in Beijing between Mr Hill and his North Korean and Chinese counterparts.希尔和朝鲜及中国的谈判代表在北京举行过的秘密会谈使形势有了进展。

5.Representatives from decades of countries attended the meeting in Beijing.来自于几十个国家的代表出席了在北京召开的会议。

6.After a meeting in Beijing, the party has announced "breakthroughs" in its thinking about the countryside.在北京召开一次会议之后,党宣布在农村思考方面的“突破”。

7.Hill spoke Wednesday with reporters in Seoul, a day after his meeting in Beijing with North Korean counterpart Kim Kye Kwan.希尔在北京会见北韩首席谈判代表金桂冠的一天后,星期三在首尔对记者发表上述谈话。

8.Washington will hold a financial crisis summit next month. Asian and European leaders meeting in Beijing said they would support the summit.华盛顿将在下个星期召开一次金融危机峰会。在北京开会的亚洲和欧洲领导人说,他们将会支持这次峰会。

9.The , China's , passed a draft regulation on post-quake restoration and reconstruction at an executive meeting in Beijing on Wednesday.本周三,国务院常务工作会议通过了灾后恢复重建条例草案。

10.Next week, China's National People's Congress, which is now meeting in Beijing, will formally adopt the country's next five-year plan.下周,中国的全国人民代表大会即将在北京举行。本次会议将正式通过下一个五年计划。