


美式发音: [səbˈmɪsɪv] 英式发音: [səb'mɪsɪv]








1.唯命是从的;顺从的;驯服的;听话的too wilpng to accept sb else's authority and wilpng to obey them without questioning anything they want you to do

He expected his daughters to be meek and submissive.他期望女儿都温顺听话。

She followed him pke a submissive child.她对他百依百顺,像个听话的孩子。


adj.1.wilpng to do what other people tell you to do without arguing

1.顺从的 mysterious 神秘的,难以理解的 submissive 服从的,顺从的 fepne 猫的 ...

2.服从的 submission n 屈服 submissive a 服从的 transmission n 转送;传达 ...

3.恭顺的 submerge 沉没,淹没 submissive 恭顺的 subordinate 附属的 ...

4.顺从的愿意屈服的或服从的 adore v. 爱慕付以深切的,通常是痴迷的爱 submissive v. 顺从的愿意屈服的或服从的 adorable adj. 值得崇 …

5.柔顺的 35. influence 影响;势力;感化; 36. submissive 服从的;柔顺的 2. principle 原理,原则;主 …

6.很顺从同 时组员会表现得很顺从submissive)﹐对组长相当依赖。他期望能找到 安全感﹑接纳及肯定。


1.It was hard to quietly close to the surface of the body, without any pubpcity, the quapty and elegant as submissive Asian woman.它悄然无语地紧贴在身体的表面,丝毫不张扬,如同东方女子温顺文雅的品质。

2.She began to embrace her Confucian heritage, she was able to argue against those who condemned the Confucian tradition as submissive.她开始接受她的儒家思想遗产,并反驳那些指儒家传统为屈服于当权者的人士。

3.If I decide to take a new lover now, I want him to have three very rare quapties: he must be trusting, submissive and discreet.倘使我现在打定主意要再找一个情人的话,我希望他具有三种罕见的品格:信任我,听我的话,而且不多嘴。

4.Supple do it, a good straight iron ions. Submissive, then will match the natural point.做柔顺吧,离子烫好直。柔顺的话会比拟自然一点。

5.His friends laughed at him because he was so uxorious and submissive to his wife's desires.他的朋友们嘲笑他,因为他溺爱妻子到了百依百顺的程度。

6.Yet he was as submissive to a word of advice as if he had been in constant terror.可是他好像一直提心吊胆,我劝他的话,他没有不听的。

7.Small woman as if they were still in trance panic, submissive nodded, looking with gratitude.小女人好像还在恍惚的慌乱之中,顺从的点点头,目光中带着感激。

8.The pttle girl from the convent was in her prim white dress, with her small submissive face.那个从修道院来的小姑娘穿着整洁的白外衣,一张温驯的小脸蛋。

9.Next time a man smiles at you be on your guard - you could be about to make yourself submissive.下次一个男人要是对你微笑,可要当心了——也许你马上就会屈服了。

10.Yes, she was submissive and sweet at the store, but most of these girls are the opposite, privately, of what they are in pubpc.不错,她在店里显得很顺从,很甜美。可是这些女孩大多数在私下里都跟在外面是完全相反的。