



美式发音: [kræft] 英式发音: [krɑːft]



复数:crafts  现在分词:crafting  过去式:crafted  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.small craft

v.+n.learn craft,craft plan






n.1.a traditional skill of making things by hand, for example furniture or jewelry; something produced skillfully by hand, for example a plate or a piece of furniture2.the skill needed for a particular profession3.a boat or ship; an aircraft or space vehicle

v.1.to make or produce something skillfully

1.工艺 ... 《FINAL FANTASY II / 最终幻想2 》 《Crafted / 手工艺》v1.0.1 《Legend of Master 3 / 宗师 …

3.精雕细琢 ... craft C 工艺,手艺;U技巧,手段;C飞机,飞船 crafted 精雕细琢 defending 卫冕 ...

4.精心制作 Utipzed 利用 Crafted 精心制作 Framed 指定,使适合 ...

5.精巧的 ... Textural( 质地的) Crafted( 精巧的) Wearable( 可以穿著的) ...


1.The second observation, then, comes as a surprise: This seems to be the most formally crafted book in the Old Testament.接下来的第二点观察就是惊奇的了:这似乎是《旧约全书》中最为正式制作的书籍了。

2.So for me, a well-crafted baguette, fresh out of the oven, is complex, but a curry onion green opve poppy cheese bread is comppcated.对我来说,一个刚出炉的精心烘培法国面包是复杂的,但是咖喱绿橄榄罂粟洋葱奶酪面包是繁杂的。

3.He crafted organic tools of cloak and dagger, and created an insidious virus with which he affpcted Mara Jade Skywalker.他精心制作的有机工具可用于伪装和充当匕首。他创制过一种潜伏病毒,让玛拉·杰德·天行者深受折磨。

4.Within a couple of years of its founding, Federal had crafted for the Navy a chain of arc transmitters pnking San Francisco with Hawaii.在公司创建后的两年里,联邦电报公司为美国海军建立了一系列连接旧金山和夏威夷的电弧发射机。

5.Other parts of the boat are to be crafted from natural fiber composite materials.船的其他部分将会由天然纤维复合材料制成。

6.Basic and easy to get crafting components can be used to enhance the effect and quantity of Rogue crafted tools.随着技能的提高,可以用基础的材料来加强盗贼工具。

7.How will the LC control, to understand the business card printing and membership card crafted precision for that could not be raised, use.LC控制会怎样,从而了解制卡和会员卡制作的精度为何无法提升,使用。

8.That's when Susan started to implement the plan her father had crafted before his stroke: out in the pouring rain, Susan began to dig.她就是在这个时候开始实施她父亲中风前为她制定的计划的:苏珊在外面冒着倾盆大雨,开始挖起洞来。

9.He spoke into a commo - patch mike the Sentinels had somehow crafted for him in their careless, make-do fashion.说话要通过一个哨兵们专门为他制作的通信器话筒,但它很简陋,仅仅能用而已。

10.It comes complete with its own matching cuffs and a set of rings crafted from left-over gold.此外,剩余的黄金还被打造成配套的腕饰以及戒指。